gali8 / Tesseract-OCR-iOS

Tesseract OCR iOS is a Framework for iOS7+, compiled also for armv7s and arm64.
MIT License
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Cordova plugin add? #178

Open Fibinacci opened 9 years ago

Fibinacci commented 9 years ago

How can add this framework add cordova hybrid project? (As the plugin)

kevincon commented 9 years ago

I think this is more of a question for the Cordova folks since this library was not built with that use case in mind, so can you ask them? According to their website ( there is a developer mailing list you can join to ask questions, or you can post a question on Stack Overflow using the cordova tag.

ws233 commented 9 years ago

@Fibinacci, have you found the answer? Can you share your experience with us, so the opensource comunity could use your experience?

Fibinacci commented 9 years ago

Yes I wrote a plugin now. Basically, it reads image file and sending results back. The first version of the framework(gali8) I used did not support iOS6. Then I try to use the latest version, I had a problem while integrating into the plugin, but I figured the end. I have some minor problems. For example, I do not use the page segmentation feature. When I try to add any kind of, I do not get the results back(empty).

ws233 commented 8 years ago

@Fibinacci, any updates here? have you finally succeed? Can you share your experience and code snippets here?

okwei commented 8 years ago

Anyone looking into this or any experience doing so?

jcesarmobile commented 7 years ago

I created this plugin yesterday, but it's still a beta and not ready to use yet