galkahana / HummusJS

Node.js module for high performance creation, modification and parsing of PDF files and streams
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Issue with InputDCTDecodeStream.cpp #156

Open enyiasonye opened 7 years ago

enyiasonye commented 7 years ago

After installing PDFHummus and including the PDFWriter, FreeType, LibJpeg, LibTiff, and libZlib, libraries. I am currently trying to parse a PDF, but the line "PDFParser pasrer;" results in some issues. The line itself doesn't throw any errors, but I end up with undefined references to code in the InputDCTDecodeStream.cpp such as jpef_std_error, jpeg_start_decompress, InputDCTDecodeStream::StartRead(), and more. Is there a way for me to fix this? screenshot from 2017-04-13 15-33-37

galkahana commented 7 years ago

wrong project (this is hummusjs), but anyways, seems like it's looking for dct lib dependencies. how about you check the playground project? it's an exe that runs pdf-writer library. will probably have all the settings that you want. use the cmake command to generate a visual studio sln.