galkareeve / ffxi

ffxi dat reverse engineering
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DATLoader #1

Open Evilocity opened 8 years ago

Evilocity commented 8 years ago

On download TDWAnalysis.cpp Line 16 reads: char ffxidir[512]; rather than your E: path I read that needed changing.

Anyhow, changed this to: char ffxidir[512]="C:\Program Files (x86)\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI"; (note - excluded '\' after 'FINAL FANTASY XI' in instructions as this led to a compile error)

Also removed 'US' from Line 29 to match my registry (EU English install may be the reason this is different): "SOFTWARE\\PlayOnline\\InstallFolder" (the 0001 value in the registry here is identical to what was defined above on Line 16)

Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 with no errors. On running the executable, a msgbox with the Line 38 message appears: "1.テサモミユメオスFF11ーイラーオトラ「イ盂榘・ヌ・レFINAL FANTASY XIホトシシミマツヨエミミエヒウフミ・" Which is stating that ffxidir's length == 0, so I'm at a loss. Any ideas?

also, I changed Line 16 back to just char ffxidir[512]; but also received the msgbox w/JP text.

galkareeve commented 8 years ago

actually im referring to project mapViewer, in the file FFXILandscapeMesh.cpp.

but it does apply to project datLoader, however u need to mask the LocateFFXIDataFolder(), in file MainDatLoader.cpp

I hardcode the ffixdir[] so that it does not use registry to find the ffxi install folder.

back to yr problem, if u insist on using the registry, i believe "SOFTWARE\PlayOnline\InstallFolder" -- is JP client "SOFTWARE\PlayOnlineUS\InstallFolder" -- is NA client "SOFTWARE\PlayOnlineEU\InstallFolder" -- is EU client