gallandarakhneorg / tex-templates

Templates and styles for UTBM, UFC and UB based on tex-upmethodology and Beamer
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Add an outline with parts in IRTES Beamer #2

Closed gallandarakhneorg closed 10 years ago

gallandarakhneorg commented 11 years ago

An outline with the parts may be added in the IRTES Beamer. This feature may be activated on demand.

Below, a short example of code that may add this feature.

%% number, shortname, page. \providecommand{\beamer@partintoc}[3]{% \ifnum\c@tocdepth=-1\relax % requesting onlyparts. {\leavevmode\leftskip=1.75ex% \llap{% \usebeamerfont*{section number projected}% \usebeamercolor[bg]{section number projected}% \vrule width2.25ex height1.85ex depth.4ex% \hskip-2.25ex% \hbox to2.25ex{\hfil\color{fg}#1\hfil}}% \kern1.25ex\color{IRTESlightblue}#2\par} \par \fi }

\define@key{beamertoc}{onlyparts}[]{% \c@tocdepth=-1\relax }

\AtBeginPart{% \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\beamer@partintoc{\the\c@part}{\beamer@partname}{\the\c@page}}% }

\AtBeginSection[]{ \tableofcontentslide[currentsection,hideothersubsections] } \makeatother

\begin{frame}[c]{Outline} \small\tableofcontents[onlyparts] \end{frame}