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First draft for a buffered writing of files #183

Closed lesquoyb closed 3 weeks ago

lesquoyb commented 1 month ago

It's a work in progress, I'm currently testing it and not sure yet it's actually more performant. I tested it with this model (thanks @ptaillandier) and for now it seems to be way better, but it needs more work to be sure:

* Name: Writingfile
* Based on the internal skeleton template. 
* Author: patricktaillandier
* Tags: 

model Writingfile

global {
    int nb_writers <- 1000;
    int nb_cycle <- 100;
    string output_file <- "output.csv";

    init {
        create writer number: nb_writers;
        save "cycle,name,rnd(1.0),rnd(1.0)" to: output_file format: "text";


species writer {
    reflex save_result {
        save string(cycle) + ","+name +"," + rnd(1.0) + "," + rnd(1.0) to: output_file format: "text" rewrite: false;

        save [cycle, name,rnd(1.0),rnd(1.0)] to: output_file format: "csv"  rewrite: false;

experiment test_xp type: batch repeat: 1 keep_simulations: false until:cycle = nb_cycle  {
    float seed <- 1.0;
    float t;
    init {
         t <- gama.machine_time ;
    reflex results {
        write "Simulation time (in s): " + ((gama.machine_time - t)/ 1000)with_precision 2;
lesquoyb commented 1 month ago

I've finished implementing the file buffering in the csv and text delegates for the save statement. Currently users can pick a buffering strategy with the facet buffering of the save statement. Available strategies are:

Here is an example model to showcase the different behaviors:

model buffering

global {

    reflex at_cycle {
        save "at cycle " + cycle to:"data.csv" header:false rewrite:false buffering:"per_cycle";
    reflex at_cycle2 {
        save "at cycle2 " + cycle + " should appear after 'at cycle "+ cycle+"' as it's asked in that order"to:"data.csv" header:false rewrite:false buffering:"per_cycle";
    reflex no_buffering {
        save "at cycle " + cycle + " too, should appear before all the other, as it's executed right when the code is reached" rewrite:false to:"data.csv" header:false buffering:"no_buffering";
    reflex end_of_simulation {
        save "Run at cycle " + cycle + " but should be appended at the end of the file" to:"data.csv" header:false rewrite:false buffering:"per_simulation";


experiment a type:batch until:cycle=10 autorun:true{


Here is what's left to do:

lesquoyb commented 1 month ago

I have a functional first version, @AlexisDrogoul could you have a look and tell me if you see anything wrong ? I think is in the wrong package but I'm not sure where it should go.

And here is a model to test the functionalities:

* Name: buffered
* Based on the internal empty template. 
* Author: baptiste
* Tags: 

model buffering

global {

    reflex at_cycle {
        save "at cycle " + cycle to:"data.csv" header:false rewrite:false buffering:"per_cycle";
    reflex at_cycle2 {
        save "at cycle2 " + cycle + " should appear after 'at cycle "+ cycle+"' as it's asked in that order"to:"data.csv" header:false rewrite:false buffering:"per_cycle";
    reflex no_buffering {
        save "at cycle " + cycle + " too, should appear before all the other, as it's executed right when the code is reached" rewrite:false to:"data.csv" header:false buffering:"no_buffering";
    reflex end_of_simulation {
        save "Run at cycle " + cycle + " but should be appended at the end of the file" to:"data.csv" header:false rewrite:false buffering:"per_simulation";

    reflex combo_breaker when:cycle=5{
        let s <- flush_all_files(simulation);


experiment a type:batch until:cycle=10 autorun:true{

lesquoyb commented 3 weeks ago

I'm merging this as it seems to be working and I opened separate issues for the remaining improvements I described above