gama-platform / gama

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java error :nil value detected #267

Closed Eya934 closed 1 week ago

Eya934 commented 1 month ago

Steps to reproduce

1.3 occurrences in 3 agents at cycle 0: Java error: nil value detected in Simulation 0 in list dates_prod_ut <- tokenize(dates_prod,'|'); NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.length()" because "str" is null java.base/java.util.StringTokenizer.( java.base/java.util.StringTokenizer.( msi.gaml.operators.Strings.opTokenize( msi.gaml.operators.Strings.opTokenize( gaml.additions.core.GamlAdditions.lambda$1022( msi.gaml.expressions.operators.BinaryOperator._value( msi.gaml.expressions.AbstractExpression.value( when applying the tokenize operator on nil and '|' in list dates_prod_ut <- tokenize(dates_prod,'|'); in create up from: shape_file_up with: [id_up::string(read('id')), dates_prod::string(read('Dates_prod')), quantites_prod::string(read('Quant_prod')), types_dechets::[string(read('Biomasse'))]] { list dates_prod_ut <- tokenize(dates_prod,'|'); list quantites_prod_ut <- tokenize(quantites_prod,'|'); if float(length(dates_prod_ut)) != length(quantites_prod_ut) { string msg_erreur <- id_up + ' - Les listes de dates de production et de quantités produites n\'ont pas la même longueur.'; ask myself { do raiseError (s:msg_erreur); }


loop i from: 0 to: length(dates_prod_ut) - 1  {
    calendrier_production_up <+ int(dates_prod_ut[i]) :: float(quantites_prod_ut[i]);


in create up from: shape_file_up with: [id_up::string(read('id')), dates_prod::string(read('Dates_prod')), quantites_prod::string(read('Quant_prod')), types_dechets::[string(read('Biomasse'))]] { list dates_prod_ut <- tokenize(dates_prod,'|'); list quantites_prod_ut <- tokenize(quantites_prod,'|'); if float(length(dates_prod_ut)) != length(quantites_prod_ut) { string msg_erreur <- id_up + ' - Les listes de dates de production et de quantités produites n\'ont pas la même longueur.'; ask myself { do raiseError (s:msg_erreur); }


loop i from: 0 to: length(dates_prod_ut) - 1  {
    calendrier_production_up <+ int(dates_prod_ut[i]) :: float(quantites_prod_ut[i]);


in init { write (' -- ' + time) + ' : start initialisation --' ; write 'Création des UT et de leur(s) camions' ; create ut from: shape_file_ut with: [id_ut::string(read('id')), volume_max::float(read('vol_max')), nj_sejour::int(read('nj_sejour')), type_traitement::string(read('type_ut'))] { create truck number: nb_camions { speed <- rnd(min_speed,max_speed); mon_ut <- myself; objective <- 'resting'; location <- any_location_in(mon_ut); volume_benne <- 7.0; nb_heures_max_journee <- 3.0; }


create up from: shape_file_up with: [id_up::string(read('id')), dates_prod::string(read('Dates_prod')), quantites_prod::string(read('Quant_prod')), types_dechets::[string(read('Biomasse'))]] {
    list<string> dates_prod_ut <- tokenize(dates_prod,'|');
    list<string> quantites_prod_ut <- tokenize(quantites_prod,'|');
    if float(length(dates_prod_ut)) != length(quantites_prod_ut)  {
        string msg_erreur <- id_up + ' - Les listes de dates de production et de quantités produites n\'ont pas la même longueur.';
        ask myself  {
            do raiseError (s:msg_erreur);


    loop i from: 0 to: length(dates_prod_ut) - 1  {
        calendrier_production_up <+ int(dates_prod_ut[i]) :: float(quantites_prod_ut[i]);


matrix matrix_types_biomasses <- matrix(types_biomasses);
int nrows <- length(column_at(matrix_types_biomasses,0));
loop i from: 1 to: nrows - 1  {
    list<string> ligne <- list<string>(row_at(matrix_types_biomasses,i));
    map<string, list<string>> 
    string type_biomasse_courant <- ligne[0];
    loop j from: 1 to: length(ligne) - 1  {
        string age <- list<string>(row_at(matrix_types_biomasses,0))[j];
        traitements_biomasses_possibles[age] <- tokenize(ligne[j],'|');

    traitements_biomasses_par_age[type_biomasse_courant] <- traitements_biomasses_possibles;

write 'Nombre de types de biomasses possibles = ' + length(traitements_biomasses_par_age) ;
write traitements_biomasses_par_age ;
create road from: shape_file_in  {
    create road with: [shape::line(reverse(shape.points))] {
        longueur <- shape.perimeter / 1000;


the_graph <- directed(as_edge_graph(road));
the_graph <- with_shortest_path_algorithm(the_graph,shortest_path_algo);
the_graph <- use_cache(the_graph,memorize_shortest_paths);
if save_shortest_paths  {
    write 'Calcul des chemins les plus court (ceci peut prendre du temps)' ;
    matrix<int> ssp <- all_pairs_shortest_path(the_graph);
    save ssp format: 'text' to: shortest_paths_file ;
}else  {
    if load_shortest_paths  {
        the_graph <- load_shortest_paths(the_graph,matrix<string>(file<unknown, string>(shortest_paths_file)));
        write 'Chargement des chemins les plus courts depuis fichier effectué' ;


write (' -- ' + time) + ' : end initialisation --' ;


in agents up0, Simulation 0, goto_network0



Expected behavior

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Actual behavior

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System and version

Which version of GAMA, JDK, OS ... (if necessary, copy Help>Installation Details>Configuration in GAMA)

lesquoyb commented 1 month ago

Hello, to be helped please formulate a proper question, this is just an error stack, we are not (well, not all) wizards.

AlexisDrogoul commented 1 week ago

Closing for lack of better definition.