gambitph / WP-OTF-Regenerate-Thumbnails

Automatically regenerates your thumbnails on the fly when thumbnail sizes change.
GNU General Public License v2.0
77 stars 16 forks source link

Unattached images #16

Open pixedelic opened 8 years ago

pixedelic commented 8 years ago

Hi, great plugin!

Is there any way to use it with non-attached images? I would like to use the plugin with placeholders as well, if possible.

TIA, Manuel :-)

eoutvik commented 8 years ago

Hi Manuel

The plugin hooks on to the following Wordpress functions:


wich all require the image to be added to the post or media section i Wordpress. You would have to add the images you want to use as placeholders to the media section and insert them using something like

wp_get_attachment_image(MEDIAID, array(500,500) );
pixedelic commented 8 years ago

Thank you, in facts I'm using media_sideload_image() to upload a placeholder when the theme is installed for the first time and a custom function to get the ID of the just uploaded placeholder from the the db, after that. But I was wondering if there was a fastest way, in particular because the custom function to retrieve the ID is not a core function. However doesn't matter, thank you for the reply :-)