gamcil / clinker

Gene cluster comparison figure generator
MIT License
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Locus inversion showing incorrect locations #103

Open AthinaGav opened 8 months ago

AthinaGav commented 8 months ago

I am using clinker to visualize some gene clusters. I want to hide some genes so I dragged the handles from both sides. In the original orientation all looks correct: clinker_original_untrimmed_example

But I noticed that when double-clicking on a locus to reverse it, the location shown underneath the locus name changes completely. I do not understand where this new location comes from. See an example below:

Original orientation trimmed locus and location limits: clinker_original_example

Reversed trimmed locus and location limits: clinker_reversed_example

Is this a bug? Or is there some logic behind the new location that I am missing? Please advise.