gamcil / clinker

Gene cluster comparison figure generator
MIT License
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-gf/--gene_functions not working? #105

Closed mattbird567 closed 7 months ago

mattbird567 commented 7 months ago


I am trying to produce a plot where there are several groups of genes all defined under different function. For example i'm trying to take the first 15 genes and group these as replication genes. However, when i'm trying to use the -gf parameter i'm not getting any new groups made? I've even tried just sticking in the example .CSV you have on your page and it doesn't change anything about the clinker figure.

Do the 'GENE_001' identifiers in this csv file need to be specific to the first gene in my .gbk file? Or does this function work so that it should take the first gene and group it as whatever i have called it within the .CSV. I have attached what my .csv file would be like (just a lot shorter).
