gamcil / clinker

Gene cluster comparison figure generator
MIT License
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Add Dockerfile #2

Closed sminot closed 3 years ago

sminot commented 3 years ago

I thought it might be helpful to add a Dockerfile to this repository, which can be used to trigger automated Docker image builds on a platform like Dockerhub or Quay.

I have done this for my own use (pointing to, but you may find it useful to include this in the base repository as well.

It's a very small file, but there's a chance it might be helpful for some people

sminot commented 3 years ago

For full context, I've also added a commit which lets the user save a static webpage from the main entrypoint.

I hadn't originally intended for this to be part of the same PR, but I wasn't careful about working on a branch, so here we are.

Feel free to keep or reject as much or as little of this as you like, but I thought you might find it useful.

gamcil commented 3 years ago

Cool! I've never used Docker but happy to add the file if it will help people.

About the --webpage flag - I actually wrote something similar yesterday but just haven't pushed it yet. My thinking was to mirror what I did in cblaster, which is to not generate a plot by default, but have a -p/--plot flag which will either generate dynamically served/static HTML based on if a file name is given or not. So I've pulled in your Docker commits but will reject the webpage one. Thanks!

sminot commented 3 years ago

That sounds great! Looking forward to your implementation of the static webpage, which I'm sure will be more elegant than mine. Thanks also for this cool tool!