gamcil / clinker

Gene cluster comparison figure generator
MIT License
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GFF+Fasta files without line wrapping doesn't display properly #67

Open sean-bam opened 3 years ago

sean-bam commented 3 years ago

Hi cameron, just came across another bug where a fasta file without any line wrapping results in an empty display:


Using a fasta formatted file with line wrapping works:

Xinpeng021001 commented 1 year ago

嗨,卡梅伦,刚刚遇到另一个错误,其中没有任何换行的 fasta 文件导致空显示: 错误

使用带换行功能的 fasta 格式文件: 作品

Hi, could you please tell me if you fixed that or not? I may have similar issue.