gamcil / clinker

Gene cluster comparison figure generator
MIT License
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Issue with running automatically on multiple files due to (BUTTON)clinker screen #74

Open ghoresh11 opened 2 years ago

ghoresh11 commented 2 years ago


I wrote a script that would automatically take pairs of GBK files and run clinker on them, as I am comparing multiple gene-clusters to each other. My problem is that at the end of every clinker run I get this screen:

(BUTTON) clinker

     * Drag cluster names to re-order clusters
     * Hover over a locus to reveal box and handles; drag box to move the locus, drag handles to resize it, double click to flip
     * Click genes to anchor the figure around them
     * Right click genes to edit their labels
     * Click cluster names and legend entries to rename them
     * Click legend circles to change gene colours
     * Right click legend entries to remove them and hide links
     * Click scale bar text to change its length
     * Tweak other options below!

   If you found clinker useful, please cite:
          clinker & clustermap.js: Automatic generation of gene cluster comparison figures
          Cameron L.M. Gilchrist, Yit-Heng Chooi
          Bioinformatics. doi:`

Therefore, I cannot run it automatically as clinker requires input from the user at the end of each run. Is there a way to solve this?

I am running clinker as a subprocess from python using the following command:

clinker first.gbk second.gbk -p out.html -j 2 -f

Many thanks Gal

clb21565 commented 1 year ago

just pinging that I have the same issue. I guess let me know if you found a good solution, lol, I will too...

clb21565 commented 1 year ago

Hey there. I fixed it for me by doing the described process here: basically, if you comment out the line opening the html plot the html plot, well, doesn't open automatically. I think its dependent on how you installed clinker if it has the updated .py or not.