gameboyVito / react-native-ultimate-listview

A high performance FlatList providing customised pull-to-refresh | auto-pagination & infinite-scrolling | gridview layout | swipeable-row.
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Can add a refreshing state or refreshing call a callback function #1

Closed zhangwen9229 closed 7 years ago

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

hi, please look at the title. what should we do ?

Look forward to reply.

^_^   ^_^   ^_^
gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

Actually, when you call callback(rowData, options) inside the onFetch() method, the state of the listview will be set to {isRefreshing: true}. Then, if you want to terminate the refreshing state manually, you can call the stopRefresh() method. I suggested you put this method in your catch block, like:

onFetch = async(page = 1, callback, options) => {
        try {
            ........//your code
            callback(rowData, options);
        } catch (err) {
            this._listView.stopRefresh(); //this will be called when you encounter a network error or timeout
zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

@gameboyVito ,thank you for your reply . ^_^ I think,I didn't describe my real thought.But your reply also help me to get more info . I want to change refreshableTitle. when I release finger , the refreshableTitle changed to 'refreshing...'.

^_^ Do you understand me?

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago


@gameboyVito Hello,I think i have resolve the problem.But this is not good idea I think. The code I wrote: onFetch = async(page = 1, callback, options) => { try { this.setState({refreshableTitle:'刷新中...'}) await this.sleep(1000); ...... callback(rowData, options); this.setState({refreshableTitle:'数据已刷新'}) await this.sleep(1000) this.setState({refreshableTitle:'下拉刷新'})

    } catch (err) {

Do you think about it? ^_^

gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

I see, good suggestion. Wait for a minute. I will push a new version to support this feature.

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

wow , nice. Hope next version.

gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have pushed a new version in NPM v1.0.20 with for new props


And I have updated my README file, please also check that for further information, like how to use them.

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

OK,thanks. I will try it later.

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

@gameboyVito Hello,I think there is some problem with the new version,v1.0.20. The code I wrote is : refreshableTitle = 'pull to refresh' refreshableTitleWillRefresh = 'pull to refresh' refreshableTitleInRefreshing = 'refreshing...' refreshableTitleDidRefresh = 'data had refreshed' refreshableTitleDidRefreshDuration = {1000} but when using,the sequence look not right. When get in the page first time, quick to exec pull to refresh , you will see refreshableTitleDidRefresh--['data had refreshed'],first eyes. Not the refreshableTitle.

I think we reference

please check it. And I think the problem lies with refreshableTitleDidRefreshDuration. If we can add the code changed the title to 'pull to refresh',when state at finger pulling. rn

gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your reply. The refreshableTitleDidRefreshDuration just a simple and quick hack for your requirement. Setting it to a small value will change the title back to the default one more quickly. In fact, it's just a simple setTimeout method and I didn't handle it with the panResponder. I'm kind of busy now, maybe you can send a Pull-request for me to have a look. Thanks.

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

Let me think about it. O(∩_∩)O I close this issue first.

gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

I think I know how to implement this new feature in a correct way, but it may take a few days with a little bit complex. I am working on it.

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

@gameboyVito I will think and think. I am a newer for react-native. So it's hard for me at present. ^_^

gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have upgraded this module to v2.0.2 and implemented your thought. Please check the lastest Wiki and thanks for your suggestion.

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

@gameboyVito I see your message just now. I try the new version right now.

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

@gameboyVito genius,very nice refresh. I like it. I try it more next. Thank you for your help.

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

@gameboyVito Hello,I find a new problem. when I scroll listView from bottom to top ,quickly. The refreshControl will come out easy. Can you make it hard?

gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

Which version are you using?

gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

Did you mean the refreshView just stuck there and won't hide itself automatically? If it is, that's a known issue. Try updating to v2.0.5, that bug should be fixed in the latest version. By the way, you can just speak in Chinese ^_^

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

@gameboyVito  太好了,早说啊。哈哈,还是中文聊得6

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

@gameboyVito 我已经升级了 "react-native-ultimate-listview": "^2.0.5" 但是,在Android上,下拉滑动快的时候,会出现 卡在 下拉刷新 状态

gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

ios的话应该是没问题的,但是android的listview是不允许bounce的,所以我只能是默认在listview顶端插入一个自定义的高度90的refreshview,然后默认下滑90dpi。我想android偶尔会卡住是因为调用了onMomentumScrollEnd={this.onScrollEndDrag}这个callback,这个函数是在滑动的动画结束时调用的,当用户快速从下面滑回顶端时,会调用这个callback反弹回90dpi的起始位置避免刷新。onScrollEndDrag 这个则是松开手指的时候的callback。之所以卡住,我调试的时候发现这个卡住的时候 onMomentumScrollEnd 会无限循环调用,我想是因为你下拉快的时候,触发了下滑动画,而且refreshview的state也正好刷新, 导致无限循环。我暂时也没想到怎么解决android的问题。也许可以用个timer判断0.5秒之内这个callback被调用了超过10次就自动下滑回91dpi。

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

好的,实在不好弄,安卓,我就用原生的 下拉刷新 😁

gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

我个人觉得安卓默认的Material Design的刷新效果就已经很好了 哈哈

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

嗯嗯,确实。 先这样吧。O(∩_∩)O~

gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

Hi, as you said before:

在Android上,下拉滑动快的时候,会出现 卡在 下拉刷新 状态

I have pushed a new version 2.0.6 to fix this android problem. Maybe you would like to have a try?

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

@gameboyVito OK,let me try tomorrow. Thank you for your hardworking.

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

@gameboyVito 我试了下,不会卡住了。 但是,快速上来,会出现 头部区域 闪烁。😁

gameboyVito commented 7 years ago

@zhangwen9229 Hi, I added a setTimeout to make it asynchronous. I think the problem of flickering is solved. At lease in my perspective, I cannot feel any flickering again ^.^

zhangwen9229 commented 7 years ago

嗯,我再试试。(^o^)/~ 感谢回复。