gamedaoco / gamedao-beta
Apache License 2.0
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Quests success messages #312

Closed 5-mark closed 2 years ago

5-mark commented 2 years ago

User Story

As beta test user solving a quest I want to be informed that I solved a quest so I know that I succeeded with my task

Acceptance Criteria

  1. if the user who owns an access key creates an Organization successfully another snackbar message "Congratulations, DAO created! Quest solved. Rate your experience." is shown containing a link to the feedback form
  2. same applies for campaign creation (change text to campaign instead DAO)
  3. same applies for proposal creation (change text to proposal instead DAO)

Additional Information


How to test

  1. Own an access key and go to
  2. Create DAO/Campaign/Proposal
  3. see respective message