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[profession] Fishing #1046

Open buza-me opened 1 week ago

buza-me commented 1 week ago

Description: Fishing has two problems. First it procs catch at any moment during the cast even immediately at the cast start. Seconds the fishing bobber is sometimes disabled for clicks after the catch animation.

How to reproduce: Do some fishing.

How it should work: Fish catch should not proc the first few seconds after the cast start, there should be a minimum cast duration for it to proc. Like 5 seconds or so. Fishing bobber should be clickable at any point in time during the catch fish cast.

WhitemaneIsa commented 1 week ago

Could you provide a video of the bobber being unclickable?

buza-me commented 1 week ago

@WhitemaneIsa sure I'll work on it

buza-me commented 1 week ago

@WhitemaneIsa video of a catch that cannot be looted. From 00:40 and furter into the video I cannot loot fish. Still trying to catch the disabled fishing bobber on video.

buza-me commented 1 day ago

@WhitemaneIsa video of a fishing bobber not responding to clicks.