gamefreedomgit / Frostmourne

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Terokk's divine shield will not go away #1067

Open frostydom opened 2 weeks ago

frostydom commented 2 weeks ago

Description: while killing Terrokk both during the quest and summoning him multiple times he uses divine sheild to make him invulnerable and then the Sha'tari Skyguard npcs put down a purple flare then it turns to flames and it is supposed to remove the divine shield so you can kill him but it does not.

How to reproduce:

How it should work:

Database links:

WhitemaneChronus commented 1 week ago

Confirmed issue, shield does not go away while Terokk is affected by the flare. Notice that issue is within fighting Terokk as it is repeatable (not the quest, summoning and fighting it) for reputation.

Spacemuffin007 commented 6 days ago

Bump! Trying to farm my rep for mounts and cant finish this repeatable quest... Please fix.