gamefreedomgit / Frostmourne

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Cant send anything by ingame mail #1079

Open Infamous-X opened 2 weeks ago

Infamous-X commented 2 weeks ago

Description: Cant send any items by mail to anyone. Not if added to friens, not to alts. Changed 3 clients, deleted WTF folder - doesent helps. I can send gold but not items. There is no error messages, button "Send" just geting gray and mail doesent sends to anyone

How to reproduce:

How it should work:

Database links:

WhitemaneIsa commented 2 weeks ago

Character name? Are you trying to send something specific or does it happen with anything?

Infamous-X commented 2 weeks ago

Posted all info for avoid same questions, but here is something bugged too... ANY items to ANY players. Single item or stack, green, blue or gray, from yesturday i noticed that i cant send even gold anymore. I can send mail to him but not from! Undead paladin named - Cremator