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Randomly dying on Malygor P3, no source of damage #1276

Open Olehchkh opened 6 days ago

Olehchkh commented 6 days ago

Description: On malygos P3 you can randomly get a lot of dmg to your drake with no dmg source in logs. Other players in group also said they have experienced this. I have received 28999 Power Spark dmg, and that's it. Refer to screenshot Unfortunately don't have any other visual proof.

How to reproduce: Do Malygos P3 in 25m group

How it should work: You shouldn't be dying from no dmg source

Database links:

bandini9 commented 6 days ago

It's probably your DBM or boss mod addon in general tweaking out, its customly buffed and you might get targetted by Malygos eventho your DBM doesnt tell you, it targets multiple targets

Manpower99 commented 6 days ago

No ive actually experienced this issue before but RARELY you move out of Power spark but the server still thinks you're in it and die due to overload of damage.

Rowern96 commented 5 days ago

I think that happens if u get too close to the boss. Solution, dont go to close to boss.