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Warlocks Infernal doing way less damage then intended #1299

Open Steadydnt opened 2 weeks ago

Steadydnt commented 2 weeks ago

Description: Yo i noticed that the 10 minute Cooldown for Warlocks "Summon Infenal" doing way too less damage with their melee attacks. I just tested and melee attacks are average doing 700 damage a hit. While on Classic Wotlk and also all other Wotlk private servers its about 2000damage a melee attack. This bug makes the 10minute Cooldown almost not viable since you still loose a 1,2 sec casts for a Pet that will do basically 10k damage then your normal Pet.

How to reproduce:

How it should work: Melee attack damage done by Infenal should be buffed.

Database links:

disruption01 commented 1 week ago

I can confirm this issue.

Inukk commented 1 week ago

can confirm, both the damage and attack speed are bugged

UltraNix commented 1 week ago

700 damage melee hit - against what?

Inukk commented 1 week ago

@UltraNix Here's the damage of an infernal in phase 1 of Classic at full t7 bis image

And here's the damage of an infernal in Frostmourne, this log is from the current rank 5 affli on patchwerk image

The infernal in frostmourne is doing roughly half the damage it should be doing compared to classic, this along with the bugged attack speed makes it so the overall dps is something like 35% of what it should be.

I also ran it through 2010's SimCraft for 3.3.5 release using an affli profile with gear similar to the one from the rank 5 log, and again the results show ~50% more damage on melee hits compared to what can currently be observed in frostmourne, it's also consistent with what can be seen in classic logs. image

BalanCV commented 1 week ago

From my testing on PTR its simply that melees are not scaling with owner's SP. Immolation aura is scaling fine its just the melees.

From wowsims: Base stats: stats.Strength: 331, stats.Agility: 113, stats.Stamina: 361, stats.Intellect: 65, stats.Spirit: 109, stats.Mana: 0, stats.MeleeCrit: 3.192 * core.CritRatingPerCritChance,

stats.AttackPower: ownerStats[stats.SpellPower] 0.57, stats.SpellPower: ownerStats[stats.SpellPower] 0.15,

// infernal is classified as a warrior class, so we assume it gets the // same agi crit coefficient infernal.AddStatDependency(stats.Agility, stats.MeleeCrit, core.CritRatingPerCritChance*1/62.5) infernal.AddStatDependency(stats.Strength, stats.AttackPower, 2)

MainHand: core.Weapon{ BaseDamageMin: 330, BaseDamageMax: 494.9, SwingSpeed: 2, CritMultiplier: 2, },

ALSO it mentions specifically that immolation is capped AOE. Not sure which type of cap so I assume the standard one.

Manpower99 commented 1 week ago

From my testing on PTR its simply that melees are not scaling with owner's SP. Immolation aura is scaling fine its just the melees.

From wowsims: Base stats: stats.Strength: 331, stats.Agility: 113, stats.Stamina: 361, stats.Intellect: 65, stats.Spirit: 109, stats.Mana: 0, stats.MeleeCrit: 3.192 * core.CritRatingPerCritChance,

stats.AttackPower: ownerStats[stats.SpellPower] 0.57, stats.SpellPower: ownerStats[stats.SpellPower] 0.15,

// infernal is classified as a warrior class, so we assume it gets the // same agi crit coefficient infernal.AddStatDependency(stats.Agility, stats.MeleeCrit, core.CritRatingPerCritChance*1/62.5) infernal.AddStatDependency(stats.Strength, stats.AttackPower, 2)

MainHand: core.Weapon{ BaseDamageMin: 330, BaseDamageMax: 494.9, SwingSpeed: 2, CritMultiplier: 2, },

ALSO it mentions specifically that immolation is capped AOE. Not sure which type of cap so I assume the standard one.

Can confirm that this is very accurate wotlkclassic info with screenshots if required.

UltraNix commented 3 days ago

The scaling is already okay. I see the base stats are different. But still - it;s not 50% difference. @Inukk Can you send to me that profile?