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[Mage] Torment the weak not working on boss #1480

Closed Nightw4re closed 4 weeks ago

Nightw4re commented 2 months ago

Description: Talent in arcane tree "Torment the Weak", that should increase damage by 12% by the mage when slow & snare effects are applied on bosses.

How to reproduce:

  1. Go to Heroic Training dummy or any Boss classified NPC
  2. Hit it with fireball or other spell listed in this
  3. Use any slow effect on it, cast frostbolt, frostfire bolt, frost nova, hunter's frost trap, Priest Mind Flay, etc
  4. Hit it with fireball or other spell listed in this
  5. Observe damage is not increased by 12%

How it should work: Even bosses are immune to slow movement effects, those effects should be applied on them anyway as Mind Flay most, or frost trap as most common spells and damage should be increased by this talent.

Database links:

Another thing to note is that Slow sticks to almost every mob in the game, including raid bosses.

Manpower99 commented 2 months ago

Slow and Snare effects don't work on most raid bosses. Torment of the Weak works against bosses with attack speed slow applied to them, From Frost Fever/Thunderclap/Judgement of Justice/Infected Wounds/Poison from Hunter's Traps and possibly more. on players it should work while they are snared/ movement slowed however. image

You get no bonus from anything which is immune to snares; i.e. -ALL- wotlk bosses except for maybe a couple (Grand Widow Faerlina's "frenzy adds" come to mind). If something is immune, the snare-type debuff is not applied, and thus, you get no bonus from it.

UltraNix commented 2 months ago

I see no bug here. If boss is immuned to slow/snare effects, then Torment will not work as the boss does not have applied slow/snare effects.

Nightw4re commented 2 months ago

@Manpower99 info you provided is from 3.0.3 image


Nightw4re commented 2 months ago

so it means slow effect on target activate this talent, and no matter if his speed is affected or not.

Nightw4re commented 2 months ago image

If you could apply this talent on bosses since you will be able to apply attack speed reduction I don't see any reason why it should work differently with movement, it doesn't make sense, it still could work as in 10m as in 25m just depends on the absence of various abilities in a raid.

Manpower99 commented 2 months ago

Frost trap does not affect bosses, they are not slowed, if you trigger frost trap for example on a boss you do not get Lock and Load for a reason, slow effect debuffs shouldnt even show on bosses who are immune to it (like chill debuff from mages). it would only work on bosses when their attack speed was reduced. image

Nightw4re commented 2 months ago

Frost trap does not affect bosses, they are not slowed, if you trigger frost trap for example on a boss you do not get Lock and Load for a reason, slow effect debuffs shouldnt even show on bosses who are immune to it (like chill debuff from mages). it would only work on bosses when their attack speed was reduced. image

I don't understand you on the image is written what I am saying ... "Torment the Weak talent works on all mobs, bosses, enemies, regardless f they can get movement speed slowed or not." and as I mentioned from patch 3.1.0 even boss has no slow effect it is a victim of the frost trap, so it should work as well.

Nightw4re commented 2 months ago


Manpower99 commented 2 months ago

Frost trap does not affect bosses, they are not slowed, if you trigger frost trap for example on a boss you do not get Lock and Load for a reason, slow effect debuffs shouldnt even show on bosses who are immune to it (like chill debuff from mages). it would only work on bosses when their attack speed was reduced. image

I don't understand you on the image is written what I am saying ... "Torment the Weak talent works on all mobs, bosses, enemies, regardless f they can get movement speed slowed or not." and as I mentioned from patch 3.1.0 even boss has no slow effect it is a victim of the frost trap, so it should work as well.

The image mentions that the talent works on slow immune bosses as long they have an attack speed slow on them, you could if you wish to ask in the same Wow classic mage discord how it works.

Nightw4re commented 2 months ago

Related question: What is the aim of Whitemane to be as a classic or original WotLK?

Riztazz commented 1 month ago

Fixed, will close once it's live. This only applies to auras with multi-effects, if an aura is only going to slow and boss is immune, entire aura will be immuned and TTW will not activate, but if there are other effects it should now properly activate and increase the damage