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Deadmines dungeon #295

Open Akaimba opened 4 months ago

Akaimba commented 4 months ago

Description: Deadmines patrols and boss adds are prespawned, and not spawned when they normally should - it means you can kill "Smite"'s adds before pulling the boss, as well as Van Cleefs.

UltraNix commented 4 months ago

What adds do you mean?

Akaimba commented 4 months ago

after you kill the first boss of deadmines, a patrol usually spawns behind you, but it is already spawned when you enter dm.

when you kill the smelting room boss, a patrol spawns above and comes down.

when you loot the powder keg for the canon, a patrol spawn

When you pull Smite or one of the two stealthed adds, they should be chained, right now you are able to kill the adds, then kill smite afterwards, same with Van cleef