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Tailoring cloak embroidery internal cooldown #786

Closed Bluecow941 closed 3 weeks ago

Bluecow941 commented 3 weeks ago

Description: Reopening the issue, it seems like after fix it still doesn't proc correctly

How to reproduce: enchant them and check proc chance and icd

How it should work: Swordguard Embroidery : should be 20% proc chance on hit and 55sec icd Lightweave Embroidery : should be 35% chance on cast (can proc from other procs ) and 1min icd Darkglow Embroidery : 35% chance per cast and 45sec icd

Database links:

UltraNix commented 3 weeks ago

Tested with melee attacks and druid Healing Touch.

Lightweave: image 1 min ICD.

Sworguard: image 55 sec ICD.

Darkblow: image 45 sec ICD

Proc chances are correct.