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Raw Redgill Droprate #802

Open shangri26199 opened 3 weeks ago

shangri26199 commented 3 weeks ago

Description: The rate of fishing this fish seems to low, in 150attepts accross multiple locations listed in wowhead i did not see a single one.

How to reproduce: Fish in Feralas, Moonglade, Western Plague and do not fish it

How it should work: Droprates around 35-50%, so in 150 trys i should have found one.

Database links:

LezChap commented 2 weeks ago

This seems to be almost all fishing locations I've tried in Vanilla so's almost like the drop table has been inverted.

In the lake around Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore) should be majority Brilliant Smallfish. They're super rare but tons of Longjaw Snappers. Redgills in Feralas and Ungoro. Tanaris shore should be a high rate of Spotted Yellowtails, but didn't catch a single one there. Winterspring and Whitescale Salmon are also seemingly extinct.