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Orc's passive racial [Axe Specialization] doesnt work #977

Open Ljepoja opened 2 weeks ago

Ljepoja commented 2 weeks ago

Playing orc warrior, discovered this bug when i equiped mace that should've gave me a minor expetise boost, but gave me a lot of expertise. Expertise is showing same numbers with an axe and without anything equiped. Have'nt tested if this is only a visual bug or if it actually doesnt give expertise. Could be only for this axe, but dont have a spare one to test it.


WoWScrnShot_061824_010715 WoWScrnShot_061824_010722 WoWScrnShot_061824_011127

Godmatik commented 2 weeks ago

There is a difference between expertise and expertise rating.

It's giving 5 expertise, which is equal to 1.25% reduction in change to dodge and parry.

Greywolf59 commented 2 weeks ago

I don't see a screenshot with your mace equipped. Or just buy some white mace from vendor without expertise to test it. Fist weapons are considered "unarmed" so that's why your unarmed expertise stays at 19 most likely.

Ljepoja commented 2 weeks ago

I think this might just be some visual bug, on 2nd picture expertise should be 19 which is correct, but on 3rd picture there is no axe equipped and expertise should be 14. When i equipped items that dont give expertise rating, that expertise is stuck on 19, but when i equipped [Inevitable Defeat] and unequipped it the expertise is 14 which is correct and should also be like that on 3rd picture. Screenshots when mace is equipped and unequipped: WoWScrnShot_061924_094945 WoWScrnShot_061924_094950