Closed amanita199 closed 1 year ago
Pet: Pet takes damage from Fire/Frost Blossom, which is not considered as AOE damage.
didnt have any issue before the update i mentioned before, hunter pets are alive while my ghoul keeps dying in aoe. I find hard to believe that shouldnt be considered an AoE effect but ok. There are many more examples: Tol'vir: 1st boss on the cross AoE, 2nd Boss croc: tail thing, the pygmy guy's whirwind also kills the pet in 2secs. In Hoo pet gets killed from pretty much all damage from anraphet and last boss. Stonecore trash the mobs whirlwinding kill the pet, on 2nd die he dies on lava pools. Are these examples enough? let me know if you need more
Okay - I think I see what's the problem.
Yea it dies to everything, my Spell is always on CD and there are times I have no pet while in Heroics and my damage just drops, due to having no pet for 2 mins...... :(
Yeah it wasn't like this before, right now it just died to any sort of AoE on DM.
ghoul is missing in its spell book, this is what gives it the aoe dmg reduction other pets have something similar in their spellbook but ghoul is missing it ghoul spellbook imp spellbook
Description: As of the update earlier today. DK ghoul takes full damage from AoE dmg, example: deadmines 1st boss, when he does the spinning flames the ghoul just insta dies.
How to reproduce: Have any sort of aoe damage the pet (ghoul)
How it should work: Have the same reduction as hunters pets