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Firelands - QA #3970

Closed Sketish closed 1 year ago

Sketish commented 1 year ago


1.Fire Hawk trash event is not working. after killing 2 small spinders before hawk finish cast, mob should give players buff.

2.First, left pack of Flamewaker Animators are not casting Animate Magma on Unstable Magma.

3.Unstable Magma not killing all flamewaker animators when he explodes.

4.Missing trash/event before the boss. retail link

5.Lava Wielder is not using raise lava ability;mode:n


Beth'tilac 1.Drone aggro issue (stays in place if it has aggro on someone up)

Lord Rhyolith 1.Sometimes he turn 180 degree on pull 2.When he reach lava he is casting Drink Magma, then he should always rotate towards middle of the platform, currently he is not turning and keeps drinking few times in a row 3.Fragments of Rhyolith after 30 secs are exploding on one random player. After that they should despawn/die , currently they are spamming dmg ability to players.

Alysrazor 1.Feathers should be 8 and spawn on the middle of boss are where she fly through retail link: 2.Blazing Power should give 2 stacks only if you enter circle within 1 sec of it spawn. Currently players have more time to enter and are getting 2 stacks. 3.Fiery Vortex visual is not matching it position, players recieve dmg when outside of visual Ragnaros Sulfuras Smash is interruptable when it shouldnt be

Sketish commented 1 year ago

14.07.2023 Alysrazor trash Currently in PTR there's an Egg Pile NPC that is under the map continuously spawning mobs. It is the one on the left side as you enter Alysrazor zone.

I think there might also be a 2nd fire phoenix under the map or just plain missing causing the following fire aoe.

Database links:

Alysrazor 1.Lava worms spin around randomly quite fast sometimes 2.Verocious Hatchlings barely do any damage to tanks when the hatchlings enrage

Lord Rhyolith 1.Concussive stomps are supposed to knock players in meelee range in both phase 1 and phase 2

Baleroc 1.Countdown is not being casted at all on heroic difficulty

Beth'tilac 1.Middle spawn point location issue,ss below, spiderlings and broodlings are spawning from purple instead of blue image

Sketish commented 1 year ago

21.07 update Ragnaros should yell this when people enter raid image


1.Cinderweb Drone should only spawn on this spawnpoint 2.Visual bug when boss reaches p2, 3.Broodlings don't explode when someone touches them, they only explode when they reach their fixated target (hc). 4.Spawn points of spiderlings should be slightly more further back than they are right now, and sometimes they just appear even farther ahead, almost in the middle of the room. 5.Drone and spiderlings timer needs adjustment, it doesn't match DBM 6.3 broodlings spawn one after the other, back-to-back. 7.Spiderlings movement speed is a little bit too high 8.Beth comes down when there's nobody upstairs (hc) 9.Strings that allow you to go upstair should dissapear after boss reaching p2 Alysrazor

Trash 1.Blazing Monstrosity corpses should despawn after being looted

Boss 1.Those who are in the air and have the fly buff take falling damage when the tornado phase begins. 2.Meteorites when they are not killed and they explode into small meteorites against the wall, they can continue even past the mountains (Normally they roll on the other side of the explosion, to the middle of the arena). 3.On heroic boss use Firestorm instead of Blazing Claw, she is not going downstair before vortex phase. Also she should drop 8-9 feathers near middle of the room after Firestorm cast 4.Alys cancels the cast on firestorm randomly 5.Hatchling spawn points were a bit close to each other sometimes, and they were not spawning on left and right all the time 6.Two hatchlings can eat the same worm Shannox 1.Crystal trap trigger range is too small, also if trap is thrown on player when he is in air the trap is staying in the air 2.Rageface can be thunderstormed (bug). Please check other CCs. It should not be slowed/cced/knock backed by anything. 3.Rageface during channel face rage should have increased chance of getting critically hit by 50% Pre nerf was 50% then blizzard nerfed boss by makint it 100% 4.Ember traps are regenerating HP 5.DBM calls out wrong trap name (says ember trap when fire trap is thrown) 6.Shannox melee dmg is way too low. There is also no visual when boss is wielding his spear or not.

Lord Rhyolith 1.There is missing animation for Pillar of Flame image Should be like this

  1. Superheated is a buff which boss is getting after 6 min of fight on normal and after 5 min on heroic. Then after 10 sec he should get next stack.

Baleroc 1..Countdown should't be casted on tank, unless only 2 people are alive and one of them is tank 2.Decimation blade doing 90% of current health instead of 90% of total health

Ragnaros 1.The hammer that hits the ground is not correctly displayed, it can theoretically hit on the right side but finally the damage is on the left side (Sulfuras Smash) 2.Molten Seed explosion dmg is reduced way too low I recieved 15k dmg being about 10y from seed image

Heroic Son of Flames have random spawns on heroic, there aren't any pattern for heroic like on normal Dreadflame When dreadflame is spreading it should always double previous value so it should be like this 1->2->4->8 , currently its like this 1->2->3->4

Trash All trash mobs inside firelands are not dropping anything except gold. Not all bosses on 25 normal are dropping 6 items, as example Alysrazor dropped only 5 items

Sketish commented 1 year ago

Beth'tilac 1.Boss is not spewing on raid when noone is upstair 2.Boss is coming downstair before 3rd cast/reaching 25% 3.Sometimes taunt is not working on boss when upstair 4.Players that are on ground shouldnt be able to hit boss which is on top on web. Should be Line of Sight 5.Boss is not using Ember Flare when she is upstairs 6.Drones that reach upstairs take a long time to do anything 7.spiderlings are not applying the debuff on melee encounter 8.broodlings are exploding on their own instantly at the location of where spiderlings spawn. They are not a part of the encounter at all they die at the corners with no harm

  1. Cinderweb Spinners are not casting Fiery Web Spinner 10.Cinderweb Spiderlings should spawn every 30 sec, currently they are spawning faster

Lord Rhyolith 1.Spark of Rhyolith should be immune to CC 2.stomp is not pushing back melee players on phase1

Shannox 1.Crystal traps are regenerating HP to full every second. Are not killable atm 2.Sometimes crystal trap visual and trigger range is not maching 3.rageface and riplimb should be walking alongside the boss with rip limb on his left and rageface on his right 4.Rageface keeps faceraging while hes being trapped

Baleroc 1.Countdown is still being casted on tank

Alysrazor 1.Voracious Hatchling should be immune to any CC 2.Flame Talon Initiate should be stunable 3.Fiery Vortex is not dealign dmg when player is running in Vortex 4.Blazing Talon Initiate - there should be 10s delay between Fieroblast casts on 10 man 5.Burnout aura sometimes is not apllied to the boss - looks like first tick of Spark is removing burnout aura from boss 6.Adds keep spawning just before tornado phase, when they shouldn't 7.Hatchlings eat the worm but they dont cancel the Enrage buff 8.Slows should work on Molten Meteor

Majordomo 1.During cat form boss should never jump on tank. Currently he does 2.If you immune Searing Seeds, the debuff should go off and player should explode. image 3.2 seeds seem to be exploding at same time, makes it very hard to manage transform. 4.When domo goes bigger his hitbox radius is changing on cat form. ITs suppose to stay same as he is on his original size

Ragnaros 1.Sulfuras Smash visual is in textures 2.Splitting Blow, visual is not maching actual hammer position 3.Lava Scion after killing his primary target stops moving or doing anything 4.Molten Elementals are not having propely displayed hp bars, only one of adds have hp bar image 5.Sometimes 1 add is spawning too close to hammer, making transition undoable image

trash mobs 1- unstable magma does not kill the flamewaked animators when he explodes 2- Molten Flamefather is not spawning the small volcanos that spawns magmakin adds 3- Blazing Monstrosity do not present the option to ride them and redirect theier molten barrage ability and will keep casting it on theier target even if its dead 4- Giant fire scorpion and fire scorpions are visually bugged and currently stacked inside of each other Normal

Sketish commented 1 year ago


1.Blazing Talon Initiates should have a little bit desynced spawning timers. Also they should always cancel casting any spell during boss Firestorm and start casting Blazing shield First 2 waves are spawning correctly on 3rd wave 1 add should spawn before firestorm and 2nd add 20 sec after first add 4rd wave should also not have synced adds TImers from retail 22:43:26 pull 22:43:54 1st wave sync both sides 22:44:16 2nd wave sync both sides 22:45:20 3rd wave 1st add 22:45:41 3rd wave 2nd add 22:46:02 4th wave 1st add 22:46:43 4th wave 2nd add

  1. Currently Molten Boulders are doing same damage as Molten Meteor, they should do way less dmg image