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Common Dungeon Finder/Raid ID issues #4463

Open MrTide opened 1 year ago

MrTide commented 1 year ago

Dungeon and raid issues

  1. a. players goes offline system says a roll is going on and players can't kick them UltraNix: Loot roll lasts 1 min - just wait. It's a chance for the offline player to get back. During loot rolls, players cannot be kicked, even if being offline for days. Just finish the loot roll and then kick. Also, the general rule is that you cannot kick the 1minute offline player. "If a player DC's, they cannot be kicked for a full minute to give the player a fair chance to reconnect." b. player goes offline inside dungeon even if players manage to kick him it counts as +1 inside dungeon so new team mate can't come inside and system says instance is full (happens with raids too)
  2. teleporting inside dungeon/bg while being on taxi flight should not bug out your character after leaving the dungeon and fly you to an unknown location (basically you are doomed until a GM helps you)
  3. players should not get stuck underground after leaving the dungeon finder BG/Arena (they can't unstuck without us) other players can see their characters over the ground like in orgrimmar and able to move but player himself sees his camera under the ground
  4. crash or server restart should not stop players from getting their valor / exp rewards at the end of the dungeon, it basically just removes the dungeon finder status you can't even see the dungeon finder eye near mini map
  5. players should not be able to change their party to raid inside dungeon finder system and remove eachother UltraNix: already fixed
  6. sometimes after kicking couple ppl when you queue again the sound and timer of joining Dungeons pops up but there are no accept button showing up for you so you are stuck
  7. raid id issues, some raids even tho you have not done the boss and not killed him and its available to you to do, its dead in your raid and you can't do that boss anymore

happens on any raid, some times you can even find two full groups trying to do the same id a few ppl from each raid go inside and instance becomes full and both raids are stuck and unable to do the raid anymore (those outside get instance is full error) until a GM joins in and kill and respawn a boss so id changes then both group can go back inside. (these issues happen on both 10-25 before and after id share) even if GM decides to respawn that boss that is available but dead in that ID players sometimes dont get any loot from it just gold.(some sort of bug abuse might be involved) Sometimes you can even find ppl that already killed a boss with available boss raid ID for that boss this case is pretty rare and i personally only seen it on tbc raids

  1. sometimes items get stuck on the loot box or corpse giving you an error which says that is already being used

  2. if a group kills a boss while you have the raid/party leader and be outside for any reason in raids or dungeon you wont be able to see that group inside anymore until you pass the lead to someone else

BalanCV commented 1 year ago

This provides some info on your point number 7. Hopefully now that a gm has officially mentioned it will bring it some attention.