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[General][PVP] Players are often stuck in combat mode for more than 6 seconds #5158

Open Crusaderz opened 7 months ago

Crusaderz commented 7 months ago

In PvP, a player will leave combat if they have not attacked or been attacked for 6 seconds, or all the enemy characters that have attacked you are killed.

It very often doesn't work. Randomly you can be in combat for up to a few dozen seconds while the player just runs around the battlefield doing nothing.

Died and resurrected in a graveyard? Well, you might instantly find yourself in combat mode because of your actions before you died (all ties to player actions should be severed after death).

You stopped attacking your target and no one is attacking you, but your target is still being healed by someone? Then you'll still be in combat mode.

Take rogue with improved gouge (6 seconds duration), use gouge on the target and see if you get out of combat when this effect ends? Did it work? Great! Now have someone heal the target for those 6 seconds, are you still in combat? Yeah? Don't ask me why it works like that.

A bunch of enemies jumped on you and you used Vanish and Sprint. Vanish ended 3 seconds later, Sprint ended 8 seconds later, but you're still in combat mode? Why am I still in combat 8 seconds later? That's not even the question, the question is why Vanish didn't remove me from combat when used in the first place? (vanish removing combat)

This bug sometimes changes the outcome of battles for stealth classes due to the inability to re-stealth after 6 seconds for a new opener or causes deaths that would not have happened if it was possible to hide in stealth in time.

oldspices commented 7 months ago

i stopped playing arena because of this bug as a healer. i would be out of the batte behind a pillar for 20 seconds and still unable to drop combat and drink....