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Rshaman earthliving+healing stream totem they don't work as they should. #5170

Open Jaso995 opened 9 months ago

Jaso995 commented 9 months ago

Description: Couple days ago i saw the problem with earthliving+Healing Stream Totem,they are not proc properly as usuall. At total heal of like 7-8m Earthliving and totem togheter doing like 500-600k its very low. With 382 ilvl i cannot do more then 10-12k per second healing done. I had the resto shamy 409bis and i know how to heal,and i saw the problem with this 2 things.

How to reproduce: Check it and fix the problem with Earthliving and Healing Stream Totem.

How it should work: They should be in the top 5 not at the last spot,the proc is less then 10%? No way They should work so that the healing stream totem and earthliving heal approximately 50% of the healing rain, if the healing rain reached 2 million totems and earthliving should heal at least half of the healing rain.

*Database links: I don't have a picture, but if necessary, I'll take a couple of photos from a raid for you to look at.

Sketish commented 9 months ago

So what exactly is issue, because you didnt provided any detala or reference. It looks like guessing. Provide more details so we can check this further

Jaso995 commented 9 months ago

The Earthliving proc and also healing done with the Eartliving is less then usuall and the max heal per target is 2k,they should do like 5-6k on 2.89 sec. As i said in 25 man raid or 10 man raid your earthliving and healing stream is piece of shit shammy is running out of mana because of that he is not healing like he did before 10days. ill put some screenshot when ill be able to play in some raid with the rshamy and ill show u the total healing done and the done with the healing stream totem and earthliving.

JK2M commented 9 months ago

I just tested it, just with 354 gear with around 5.5k SP and got 1454 Hit and 2908 Crit, and same says the Multiplier Same goes to Healing Stream, Healing over 5 min should be 190k ticks 1225, with every 10 more Points of Int you get 297,71 Healing in these 5 minutes. Both of these Spells not Scale that Well, and if you had 5-6k ticks on a Spell that got no GCD can Proc Multiply times, gratz you had a bug with 300% more healing than they should do. just check his Numbers on Right side, do the Math and you can see retail numbers on DS raid were never even close to 5-6k per tick

Jaso995 commented 9 months ago

Look just how many ppl get hit by earthliving,and how many ticks he have,on your server in 25 man raid max 6ppl can get hit by earthlivng when that pass,they are going to another 6 ppl,earthliving had to heal at least 70% of the raid members not 6 ppl in 25 man and not 2max 3 ppl in 10 man,his max crit hit on 22 ppl i saw it was 55k so thats almost 3k per 3 second,just check how many ppl is getting earthliving on his video and check how many ppl is getting earthliving on your server as i said in 25 man raid 6ppl max,on 10 man its 2-3 person. My english is not good but im trying to explain as much im possible to do. Tomorrow ill heal 25man and u will see the my proc and my total healing done and the proc of healing stream totem and earthliving.

Jaso995 commented 9 months ago

And one more quest tell me how you have 2908 crit with 354 gear? i have 740 with the gear 383 u wanna tell that if u have lower gear ilvl you have better gear? And also rshamy should be focused on Mastery-Haste not critical.

JK2M commented 9 months ago

you can see his "biggest" hit each time you see his Earthliving and how many Times it procced on a Target, dont you?

Sometimes 11 sometimes 10 5 8 whatever, and you can see numbers like 2.5k as example

about ur Question Jaso, np i show you Screenshots, for Talents, Stats and my Combat Log meanwhile in a Vid, cuz im to Lazy to make screenshots 2 Min which show you Healing Stream non Crit and Earthliving Weapon Crit and Non Crits, and yes there are 2908 Healing Critcal you can even see it, just once but its there.

so and im Pretty sure what you would like to see on ur "Healing Meter" is what you can see on this Vid around 47+ min An heavy AoE Dmg fight where ToTem and ELW can shine But it is DS10HC and pretty sure in way higher gear solo healing

Jaso995 commented 9 months ago

how many times did u cast to get proc of earthliving? did u see that u cast couple times to get proc then u get twice in a row,in dungeone and the raid where is more ppl is the diferent story, im gonna record tonight and im gonna do couple of pictures on recount how much healing rain did and how much earthliving and healing stream totem did on total healing done,there u gonna see the proc of it. Ye the guy was in dragon soul and his sometimes 10 sometimes 15 sometimes 22 but on your server the max proc is 6 on 6 ppl not on 20-25 thats not possible because the earthliving is not working properly as i said. Im gonna upload later screenshot,gear,reforge and everything,and ill try to find some ss where earthliving and healing stream totem working properly on some old private server.

Jaso995 commented 9 months ago the first screen shot was from the last night,i had it from one fight he did 175k with the healing rain and the proc on earthliving did 14k? so do the clean math there. earthliving should have done half of 175k at least not 14k only. It happened in the raid 10man so the clear math is 10 ppl only 2 ppl got hit 2k per hit so 8x1.6k thats the 14 k so check it 2 ppl got hit what about the rest 8? and u gonna tell me that the earthliving working good aswell. Nah its not working and im gonna upload more pictures tonight. Maybe ill try to record and upload the whole fight from some boss.

Jaso995 commented 9 months ago

CHeck the video you sended,look the spot on recount where is healing rain where is earthliving where is healing stream totem.

Jaso995 commented 9 months ago

Check the healing done on ultraxion where is healing rain top 1 and see how much earthliving did half of his healing done with the healiing rain on your site its imposible now,got some bug or dont know what.

Jaso995 commented 9 months ago lets count now,so on your server check the recount and check where is healing stream totem where is earthliving how much did earthliving how much did healing rain so the proc of 30% off healing rain did earthliving healing stream totem did 10%,check the video you send me,there check where is his totem earthliving how much did earthliving how much did his healing rain,his earthliving did 90% of his healing rain and the healing stream toem did more then both of them. Do the clear math there,and u gonna see that the earthliving and healing stream totem doesnt work properlly. This is the Healing done from 25 man BH. so lets do clear math my earthliving did 560k right? Split that on 25 ppl you gonna get there that the 25 ppl got hit only once by earthliving so that is like they proc 25x5=125proc for 5 mins fight(every 2,80 sec in 14 sec) split that and u gonna that the every player in 25 man raid got hit only once ? Earthliving should do more hps as healing stream totem 260k thats so fucking funny,so 260k split with 2.9k thats the max hit by healing stream totem its like everyone in the raid got 3times hit by healing stream totem ? 260:2.9:25=3,5 times and u gonna tell me that the rshaman is working properly? its not just do the clear math from the retail and from your server and u gonna see there what is going on fix it.