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[Quest] Loremaster - Kalimdor & Eastern Kingdoms (Horde) #5176

Closed frostwave942 closed 6 months ago

frostwave942 commented 10 months ago


well, these are all the bugs i found when i tried to get loremaster of kalimdor and eastern kingdoms.

======== Kalimdor =========

=== Stonetalon Mountains ===

name = In Defense of Krom'gar Fortress

bug = it's too difficult to destroy those flying machines, despite this it is possible to complete this quest but it takes too long i think the mechanics for aiming those flying machines could work better.

how it should work =

(it is possible to get the achiv)

=== Tanaris ===

name = The Thunderdrome

bug = cannot be completed, after clicking on dr. dealwell nothing happens.

how it should work =

(storyline stuck in 38/40)

=== Thousand Needles ===

name = Freewind Brave

bug = after completing the quest Grimtotem Chiefs: the Chief of Chiefs, next quest: The Captive Bride is not given.

(storyline stuck in 48/60)

=== Felwood ===

bug = after completing the quest Forces of Jaedenar, there are no more quests in the entire area.

(storyline stuck in 17/55)

======== Eastern Kingdoms =========

=== Western Plaguelands ===

name = Ashes to Ashes

bug = there are no commanders to kill.

how it should work =

name = Supporting the Troops

bug = killing andorhal defenders gives no credit to complete this quest.

how it should work =

name = Foes before Hoes

bug = there are no laborers to kill.

how it should work =

name = Strange new Faces

bug = after completing this quest, when u enter in felstone fields a val'kyr will always spawn to follow you forever (unless you relogin) even if you take the next quest or not.

name = When Death is not Enough

bug = there are no laborers to kill and convert.

how it should work =

(storyline stuck in 36/45)

=== Burning Steppes ===

bug = after completing A Perfect Costume, next quest: Into the Black Tooth Hovel is not given.

(storyline stuck in 17/40)

=== Silverpine Forest ===

name = On her Majesty's Secret Service

bug = when u get to where Lorna Crowley is, nothing happens.

how it should work =

(it is possible to get the achiv.)

=== Swamp of Sorrows ===

name = Step Three: The Prophet

bug = after defeating prophet jammal'an u don't get credit and if u abandon this quest lord itharius won't give it u again.

how it should work =

(it is possible to get the achiv.)

PanJanuszek commented 10 months ago

For Thousand Needles quest block: You have to do these 3:


In order to unlock


PanJanuszek commented 10 months ago

For Felwood you have to do Forces of Jaedenear + Crying Violet to move further. Crying Violet is available after complete 28102.

![Uploading image.png…]()

frostwave942 commented 9 months ago

For Thousand Needles quest block: You have to do these 3:


In order to unlock


i completed those quests i think, the fact is that the Freewind Brave doesn't give me more quests

PanJanuszek commented 6 months ago

fixed for 16.04.2024