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[Balance Druid] Force of Nature Treants Deal Incorrect Damage #5506

Open JimboLimbo175 opened 9 months ago

JimboLimbo175 commented 9 months ago

The Treants summoned from the Force of Nature Balance Druid spell deal much lower damage per hit compared to retail, even when summoned at comparable levels of spellpower.


1. Force of Nature cast at 9958 spellpower. Treants deal ~1400 damage per hit. (2:18)

2. Force of Nature cast at ~12000 spellpower (estimate based on gear + volcanic potion). Treants deal ~3120 damage per hit. (2:36)


1. Force of Nature cast at 9979 spellpower. Treants deal 931 damage per hit. 9979 spellpower Treants

2. Force of Nature cast at 12475 spellpower. Treants deal 999 damage per hit. 12475 spellpower Treants

It is clear the damage/scaling of the treants is incorrect in Whitemane. It is hard to pinpoint the exact numbers we should be seeing as database links to this spell/summons no longer exist or lack information on the damage of the treants, but they are dealing up to 3x less damage than they should.

Database links:

bonfax4 commented 9 months ago
  1. Force of Nature cast at ~12000 spellpower (estimate based on gear + volcanic potion). Treants deal ~3120 damage per hit. (2:36)

This is from another private server btw.

How is the dmg compared to sims ?

Sketish commented 9 months ago

Compare dmg to sims so we have better comparation

bonfax4 commented 9 months ago

If simc values are correct they get 0.57 SP to AP conversion. Base damage could be wrong, but variation in damage won't have a huge change, no way you'll see double the dmg with only a 3000 spell damage increase.

Sp (O.57/141.65) . A spell power difference of 3000 should only increase average dmg by @ 201 dmg. It's very minimal to the point people thought it didn't scale at all

Sketish commented 9 months ago

ok so mostly issue is with base dmg

UltraNix commented 9 months ago

1000 SpellPower: image

Sim: image 1500 / 3 ~ 500

5000 SpellPower: image

Sim: image 2100 / 3 ~ 700

10000 SpellPower: image

Sim: image 2900 / 3 ~ 967

I see no bug here.

bonfax4 commented 9 months ago

Hmm I know simc is def using an average for the base dmg since min and max is the same. Also seeing 4.3 videos a balance druid with 4494sp seems to be hitting higher than that, not accounting for glanced hits ofc.


Found another source for the force of nature stats. And this one is prob more accurate since its optimized specifically for balance druids. With 957 as average base value the dmg seems more in line with what we see in the video tbh 580 * 1.65 ( 580 is the DPS, not the dmg according to wrathcalcs ). Everything else is in line with simc values.

This is from the latest cata wrathcalcs spreadsheet for balance. I can send you the file if you want. b8554231e1976669467a62933786a063

Also check if the attack power before stat inheritance is correct ( - 20) + 476 * 2 = 932. The -20 is the base AP and 476 is the base strength and they get 2 AP per str. confirmed in-game this is correct.

bonfax4 commented 9 months ago

Also there's a dmg variance to the base dmg but both sources use averages. Check other pets base dmg range and apply smthing similar I guess.

JimboLimbo175 commented 9 months ago

@UltraNix Why are you dividing by 3 for the results in the sims? From what I can see the sim is showing the damage per hit isn't it?

bonfax4 commented 9 months ago

Nah simc multiplies the damage by 3

UltraNix commented 9 months ago

@JimboLimbo175 Becase there are 3 treants and Simc just add it together under one line as total damage done by treants.

JimboLimbo175 commented 9 months ago

@UltraNix Okay, I see what you mean and that checks out within Simc. However that still doesn't match what we are seeing in the retail scenarios. I believe @bonfax4 has got it right with the cata wrathcalcs spreadsheet as that is more accurately matching what we should be seeing.

bonfax4 commented 5 months ago


From cata beta WowClassicB_BCpmQryqSa

as a lvl 80 with 1700 sp vs a mob with @ 60% reduction and I'm already hitting for 700-800. Clearly smthing is wrong. Should go with the wrathcalc values for now, dont have a 85 to test. 580 * 1.65 = 957 base ? Variance seems to be around -+16%, not exactly sure since sp scaling would change this.

bonfax4 commented 5 months ago

Actually not so sure, it's pretty odd. It assumes the treants have 1.0 atack speed on the AP formula liek simcraft suggests ? Visually at least. Attackpower /14 x 1 ? And attack speed displayed seems to range from 1.5 to 2.0 like it's rng or the stat window picks a random tree and each has different speed. WowClassicB_WbpsfyHmmt

Edit: def a display issue. dmg range is always pretty similar and the number of attacks in the 30 sec window variates a bit, but so far the average attack speed varies between 1.58-1.8 ish. Didn't do a lot of testing but enough to see that the pet window is not very trustworthy.