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gurthalak bugged in pvp #5543

Closed freakyfrizes closed 8 months ago

freakyfrizes commented 9 months ago

Once gurthalak procs the tentacle is picking random targets isntead of hitting the target i am targeting/hitting,in addition it sometimes rarely procs without even hitting anyone and just casually stands there.i procced 3 tentacles while hitting a warlock and all 2 of them targeted his pet for the entire duration without even retargeting to warlock after the duration was over(i was targetting and hitting the warlock the entire arena didnt target his pet once),and that happend to me in a bunch of arenas , where the tentacle would just target the other player instead of the one i am hitting. its fucked up hard right now.

Sketish commented 9 months ago

Tentacle is attacking player on which it procced. Tentacles are not supposed to swap targets unless their previous target dies

freakyfrizes commented 9 months ago

Tentacle is attacking player on which it procced. Tentacles are not supposed to swap targets unless their previous target dies

not true the tentacle should retarget to my current target after it finishes it's cast

freakyfrizes commented 9 months ago

This is how gurthalak should work:

Attacks the target of the player even if he's not hitting his target. if you stop targeting, it doesn't stop hitting during the cast, it stops right after the end of the cast. if you swap target, it doesn't swap target instantly, it finishes casting on the previous target, then it swaps to the new target (on the next cast.)

worrax described it perfectly in my last post about gultharak and they said it was FIXED but sadly it isnt working this way at all.

Sketish commented 9 months ago

This is how gurthalak should work:

Attacks the target of the player even if he's not hitting his target. if you stop targeting, it doesn't stop hitting during the cast, it stops right after the end of the cast. if you swap target, it doesn't swap target instantly, it finishes casting on the previous target, then it swaps to the new target (on the next cast.)

worrax described it perfectly in my last post about gultharak and they said it was FIXED but sadly it isnt working this way at all.

Send proofs

bonfax4 commented 9 months ago

You can go through this video and see it does not work how you described. I never do see it standing there doing nothing in videos, it seems to always look for eligible targets

But good luck finding out how the retarded AI blizz had works lol, it does seem to prefer to target whoever it procs on. It could be random target you're engaged with, or some sort of threat system.

bonfax4 commented 9 months ago Just to show that the tentacle just starts attacking a random dk still mounted ( not in combat ) when there's no target nearby. had a frost fever ticking so not sure anymore.

In pve it does seem to wait till you engage or get into combat to start attacking.

bonfax4 commented 9 months ago

@Sketish @UltraNix

After going through a few videos this is how I believe it works : Paladin procs tentacle on Bajheera, shaman moves closer to the tentacle and target changes. Tentacle targets the rogue when a hexed priest is the closest. Ignores hexed pala and targets 2nd closest which is the druid.

Just trying to see now if they ignore guardians like mirror images/gargoyles etc Confirmed here it can target gargoyle and mirrors. Tentacles can even target enemy tentacles (video)

They don't seem to to inherit (killed by bonelink 24k hit, that only hit pvp players for 9k'ish ). Avoidance also no active but expected for all pets in pvp combat.

bonfax4 commented 9 months ago

@Ultranix proof here It can cast more than 3. Felhunter until it died > Player until it died > priest or hunter in the ring of frost ( started before frozen so it kept tocking )> 4th one was targeted towards by the pet , you can see in the combat log. Locking it to 3 casts would create situations where it stands doing nothing when they are forced to target switch.

freakyfrizes commented 8 months ago

today i was playing a soloq arena , im hitting the unholy dk against me and the enemy Holy paladin is standing like 10 feet away, i go there fear the paladin (he had no bubble or trinket ) full 8 second fear,i switch back and charge the Unholy dk and hit him , my tentacle spawns and it starts channeling on the feared holy paladin which is standing like 20 feet away at this point breaking the fear.This is a real issue and the fact that the paladin has no bleeds,standing very far away and straight up im not near him to hit him or anything and it just procs and starts attacking him a mile away is proof that the tentacles arent working properly. @UltraNix . If you can watch done arenas please tell me and i could tell you which game exactly this happend so you can have cunning proof. i believe thats the ID of the game 931478 from armory

pro100klass commented 8 months ago

upp gurthalack usseles

UltraNix commented 8 months ago

Fixed. To all wondering about targeting mechanic: