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Mater's Call not working. #5588

Open flaviusteicu opened 7 months ago

flaviusteicu commented 7 months ago

//: # ( //: # (

Description: Master's Call does not work like 4/5 times. Pet should return quickly to hunter, remove movement impairings and make the hunter immune to them for the next 4 seconds (8 if glyphed)

How to reproduce: Just use it while under DK / Rogue slow - probably reproduces with all slows

How it should work: Should remove the slows immediately and make you IMMUNE to them.

Database links:

AnsBal commented 7 months ago

i can confirm this bug. sometimes it doesn't work

Renehadox commented 7 months ago

This is a high priority bug?

UltraNix commented 7 months ago

@flaviusteicu As I can't reproduce this bug - please record a video of this from our server.

djesic commented 7 months ago

@UltraNix I can give you a scenario where you might reproduce Have pet not in LoS of target for Master's Call Cast Master's Call Pet will do a mini run, almost in place. Spell goes on cooldown, no buff applied to pet or target

UltraNix commented 7 months ago


djesic commented 7 months ago

Hmm, I'll try and look at some videos for details on how it should work on targets that are not in line of sight. IIRC it should attempt to move towards the target and then cast it, but I'll try to back that up with some proof

djesic commented 7 months ago

I've been using the macro listed in this commend for a while and it failed sometimes when target was not in line of sight, but still doing what I described previously. If you feel like testing it further

UltraNix commented 7 months ago

@djesic Show me your test.

djesic commented 7 months ago

Failed to reproduce as well

flaviusteicu commented 7 months ago

Alright I will try to video this, where do I upload it ? I constantly run into this bug, I'm not sure how it's been failed to reproduce. Its annoying, it's frequent and I died a lot because the get-out-of-jail-card fails lol

flaviusteicu commented 7 months ago

Alright I'm back with an update, this is a bit more specific.

I was using this macro:

#showtooltip Master's Call
/cast [target=player] Master's Call
/cast Aspect of the Cheetah

Cheetah specifies that you can get 30% speed increase but at the cost of a daze when you get damaged, but Master's Call is supposed to 1) Remove all movement impairings on you 2) Make you immune to all movement imparitings for 4 seconds ( 8 with glyph ) I guess the effect is like the pally's hands of freedom or whatever it's called.

In this particular case, I guess that Aspect of the Cheetah overrides Master's Call - which I don't think it should be the case, juding by the abilities descriptions. It basically overrides the immunity offered by Master's Call.

djesic commented 7 months ago

Cheetah daze should go through, that is working as intended. The condition for the daze is damage, no immunity will affect it, Same goes if you use Aot Pack and someone has pala freedom but gets hit.

flaviusteicu commented 7 months ago

Ehhh is it working as intended though ? ... What's the point of saying that something grants you immunity to movement impairments if it doesn't ? If it was conditional it would've stated as such.

UltraNix commented 7 months ago

@flaviusteicu Tested that macro and still works okay to me. Please guys - if you are able to reproduce this bug, then record it.

flaviusteicu commented 7 months ago

Alright, I will get back with a video of this these days @UltraNix. I tried recording before but Shadowplay was flickering in between the desktop and the game, it was quite unwatchable. I'll retry and @ you again

flaviusteicu commented 6 months ago


Sorry it took so long @UltraNix but here it is. We have timestamps in the screenshot, I got dazzed by a mage, used Master's Call with the Macro I pasted above .... meaning this

#showtooltip Master's Call /stopcasting /cast [target=player] Master's Call /cast Aspect of the Cheetah

... and then immediately after I got affected by Daze again.

Aspect of the Cheetah does state that you will get dazzed for 4 seconds if you get hit, BUT Master's Call should override that and everything else, for that matter..

Your pet removes all root and movement impairing effects from itself and a friendly target, and grants immunity to all such effects for 4 sec. --

Your pet removes all root and movement impairing effects from itself and a friendly target, and grants immunity to all such effects for 4 sec.

You can reproduce this 10/10 if you use the macro.

LE: That's a different screenshot god damn it... but you can try to reproduce it with the macro, it reproduces 10/10 as I said. It's not supposed to do that as per Master's Call description

UltraNix commented 6 months ago

Hmm, as I can see Daze coming from Aspects do not have special mechanic, thus It cannot be removed by Master's Call (even PvP trinker does not remove it). I need some proofs it shoulbd be removed by Master's Call.

flaviusteicu commented 6 months ago

I did some online research regarding this subject and I could not find anything either in favor or against the claim... so it's kind of up to you I guess.

The trinket should remove everything though ? Do we have a source for that why it wouldn't remove the daze from Cheetah ? It might help with the first problem.

My reasoning for all this is that the effect of getting hit while in the aspect of the cheetah, as stated in it's description, is a Daze, a movement impairing mechanism and as any in that category, it is negated by both Master's Call and the PvP Trinket / Human Racial. You are, instead, vulnerable to blinds/disorients/stuns etc.

Let's look for example at Concussive Shot, a hunter spell. It's description states that it "Dazes the target, slowing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec." So it's a "Daze" a similar effect to the one produced by the Aspect of the Cheetah, with the exception that you are immune to concussive shot while Master's Call effect is up. One is a debuff, the other is considered an ability - which applies a debuff. We can't really 100% count on the tables offered by these sites either, as Concussive Shot has defined Dispel type: n/a

But overall I'm afraid that apart from descriptions, I don't really have much else stating black on white what's what. Again, nothing for it but nothing against it either.

UltraNix commented 6 months ago

Concussive Shot does have that mechanic, Daze from Aspects - no. Don't believe in Blizzard tooltips/descriptions :)