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Quest bug: [Voren'thal the Seer] #5771

Open Haltus-Kain opened 6 months ago

Haltus-Kain commented 6 months ago

EDIT-- I did the faction swap turn ins until the Scryers were unfriendly, then the other faction swap quests until they were friendly again, which cleared the At War. At War stayed cleared until I relogged, then they were stuck at war again.

So... Idk if it's a problem with this quest, or the faction in general.

BC | Shattrath | Quest | [Voren'thal the Seer] Objective is to go say hi to Voren'thal the Seer, an Scryer NPC with the same name as the quest.

Bug is that starting the quest put me at war with the Scryers (despite being Friendly with them), preventing me from turning in ANY of their quests. The "at war" checkbox is greyed out and cannot be toggled off.


How to reproduce: Start the quest.

Playing on a Human Death Knight named "Haltus".

*Abandoning the quest does not uncheck the at war status - appears to be permanent. I like to do more troubleshooting before posting, but this one just locked up the entire faction.

How it should work: Simple bread-crumb quest; no objective other than to turn in at the target NPC. Should not switch Scryers to at war.

Haltus-Kain commented 6 months ago

More info added to top of OP

PanJanuszek commented 5 months ago

Please clear cache from your client. After relog do you have still flag "at-war"?

Haltus-Kain commented 5 months ago

Please clear cache from your client. After relog do you have still flag "at-war"?

\Cataclysm-\Cache - folder deleted. Relaunched; no change (still locked at war).

During the previous window of working normally, I turned in a ton or rep items in a double XP weekend, so it's currently locked "At War" while simultaneously exalted lol.

Still unable to start or hand in quests though due to war status.