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DK grips to beneath floor #5864

Open Hermeleen opened 3 months ago

Hermeleen commented 3 months ago

Description: If DK stands below cliff, for example beneath tower in eos, or standing in water below Stables on arathi basin, or under graveyard in warsong gulch, Grip makes you fall through floor. Some dks do it on purpose and it is extremely annyoing. I will try to record if you wish, but it is very unpredictable.

How to reproduce:

How it should work:

Database links:

UltraNix commented 3 months ago

@Hermeleen Yes - please record it.

Revly commented 3 months ago

If it happens very little but it happens, but if it happens... It has happened to me and also when I use Dk I have also done it unintentionally.

This seems to happen when you use Grip near a wall tilting the Dk down and the target up, causing it to go through the texture and fall, example BG Warson.