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Ayamissa the Huntress, hunters pet. CATA patch #5957

Open Trandyill opened 2 months ago

Trandyill commented 2 months ago

//: # (;mode:20

Description: I'm writing this using Gtranslate, so I apologize in advance. This pet should not have a glancing blow on all attacks. This was actively used by all hunters until patch 5.0.4, where it was fixed. On your server, this pet has glancing blow for all abilities.

How to reproduce:

Tame this boss and send him to beat (it doesn't matter the bosses or the dummy, the result is the same) How it should work:

There shouldn't be a glazing blow Database links:

Trandyill commented 1 month ago


Trandyill commented 1 month ago

any1 read this ? Admins ?

Trandyill commented 1 month ago


Trandyill commented 2 weeks ago