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Open Jean1noob opened 4 hours ago

Jean1noob commented 4 hours ago

Description: Each boss in the game has an intended interaction radius with players, typically designed so that the boss engages when players enter this range. However, there is a bug where the server ignores this interaction radius. As a result, bosses only interact with players when certain actions occur, such as a spell being cast or when the tank physically touches or attacks the boss. This causes the boss to remain passive even if players are within its engagement range, until direct interaction via abilities or touch triggers the encounter. Examplo:

There are several instances in Dragon Soul where bosses fail to initiate combat because their interaction radius is not functioning as intended. Here are a few examples:

Hagara the Stormbinder: Despite standing directly next to her, Hagara will not engage with players unless a spell is cast or the tank initiates contact. Players can approach or even circle her without triggering combat.

Warmaster Blackhorn: After Warmaster Blackhorn descends onto the ship, he will not engage in combat immediately. Even at point-blank range, with players standing directly in front of him, he won't react unless a spell is cast or the tank touches him.

Morchok: This bug is particularly evident with Morchok. Players can walk directly through him without triggering the encounter. You can pass through his model repeatedly or even cross his aggro range without him attacking. This allows players to completely bypass Morchok and proceed straight to the Temple of Dragon Soul without engaging him at all.

This issue affects all bosses in Dragon Soul, preventing proper engagement when players enter their aggro radius. The bosses will only react when there's a direct action, such as casting a spell or initiating physical contact, which breaks the intended mechanics of the instance.

How to reproduce: Approach any boss in the game, staying within the intended interaction radius without using any abilities or spells. Observe that the boss does not react or engage, even though you are within the range that should trigger combat.

How it should work: When a player enters the boss's intended interaction radius, the boss should immediately engage in combat, regardless of whether any spells are cast or abilities used. This means:

As soon as any player crosses into the boss's aggro range, the boss should automatically target and begin interacting with the player, following its normal threat and combat mechanics. No direct spell cast, ability use, or physical contact (like auto-attacks) should be required for the boss to engage. Proximity alone should trigger the encounter, as designed. This ensures that bosses behave consistently with their aggro mechanics and initiate combat based solely on players entering their interaction range.

Database links: This exemplo shows players keeping distance to Hagara before the beginning

This is particularly common in instances, where engaging a boss typically aggro's any remaining

jeanpyere commented 4 hours ago

I don't think this is an exploit or bug abuse, it is necessary to check if it works like this on Blizzard

Jean1noob commented 4 hours ago

It’s understandable to question whether this issue is a true bug or just the intended mechanics of the encounter. However, bosses are typically designed to engage when players enter their aggro radius, so the fact that bosses in Dragon Soul do not react until a spell is cast or the tank initiates contact suggests that this behavior is unintended. To confirm if this is a bug specific to certain private servers or if it occurs on Blizzard’s servers as well, it would be necessary to compare the behavior in an official World of Warcraft environment.

Jean1noob commented 4 hours ago

This behavior can easily be checked by watching any Dragon Soul encounter video on YouTube. In these videos, you’ll consistently see that players maintain a careful distance from bosses before pulling, making sure not to enter the boss's aggro range until they are ready to start the fight. This demonstrates that on official Blizzard servers, bosses do engage when players enter their proximity, unlike the issue where bosses remain passive until a spell or physical contact is made. This comparison further supports that the interaction radius is intended to trigger combat immediately.