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Indomitable pride DOSNT WORK THAT WAY. confirmed by twinstar GM and blizzards updated OFCCICAL classic data base ( its suppost to be an abosrb shield NOT PHYSICAL ONLY ) #6225

Closed Hoofjob-Instinctz closed 3 days ago

Hoofjob-Instinctz commented 5 days ago

Description: : Ive played Private cata servers for years now including back in retail days even as a young teen. and ever since i got geared on here ive been wondering why the hell casters are so much harder to fight here. and then i remembered its cuz alot of people EVEN ARENA PLAYERS would use indomatable pride against casters back then and during molten/monster wow. and it worked well cuz its an absorb shield that functions where what ever attack brings u below half ur health instead gives u an absorb shield for that damage. and its a huge help. but apparently this server is using one that is based on the description twinstar uses. however after discussing it with a twinstar GM he confimred they used the descirption from MOP and apparently someone made a post here that its suppost to do only that. THIS IS WRONG!. it was changed DURING MOP cuz blizzard didnt want people using the trinket as an end game item. as in it was nerfed when MOP came out. twinstar made the mistake of using the MOP Description even though the effect most likely worked properly at first. then some players who didnt know what they were talking about made a bug post for twinstar back then and people started thinking it worked this way. no it dosnt. and THIS IS A BIG DEAL cuz this is a MASSIVE counter to casters that is suppoost to exist in game.

How to reproduce:

equip the trinket let a caster hit u hard it give the shield but dosnt work properly. How it should work: ITS SUPPOST TO BE AN ABSORB SHIELD... as in ABSORB MAGIC AND PHYSICAL not just physical. the description is WRONG. it was a fair means for not jsut pve but pvp to counter act the absurd damage people could get from having the legendary staff combined with vortex which wasnt even meant for there class. even rouges in arena used this in matches some times back then. fix this for the love of god.

Database links:

GMNeon commented 5 days ago Incorrect, the spell and buff itself is Physical absorb only. After going through the patch notes from 4.3.0 onwards there has been no changes to the trinket or the buff.

GMNeon commented 5 days ago


Hoofjob-Instinctz commented 4 days ago

Its literally According to blizzards Data base. Wowhead used the image from BACK THEN. the spell text might be wrong if they cant get the original text of that. -_- If i can find a video of it will u change it ? This is literally Unbalanced that people cant use this trinket the way its suppost to work.

GMNeon commented 4 days ago

As all the information is pointing to it being physical only if you can find an original trusted source. but everything ive looked into and found shows physical only. Even from my old kill videos shows physical only.

Hoofjob-Instinctz commented 4 days ago

RIght but thats cuz it takes the attack that u received thats why it will show it as a buff depending on what you get hit by. if you get hit by a spell its suppost to be that tpye of damage. -_-

Hoofjob-Instinctz commented 4 days ago

there should be some videos of people using it against ultraxion.

Hoofjob-Instinctz commented 4 days ago

his shadow damage so to speak*

GMNeon commented 4 days ago

the trinket in question only uses one buff. which I have posted above. again if you can find evidence of this trinket being used in patch 4.3.4 with anything other than physical only. It is something we can look into.

Hoofjob-Instinctz commented 4 days ago

Alright im on it. i had the trinket back then and it worked that way is why i asked but i understand u cant take my word for it. just gotta find a video. also ( edit ) it appears cata classic might have the buff wrong cuz even if the image of the trinket is old it might be using the buff descirption from MOP is why. as said they changed it cuz this could be ENd game OP in later expansions. similar to how they had to nerf hammer of kings for cata even tho it was an 80 item. just a heads up that items description for its buff is incorrect on Wotlk Classic wow head data base aswell.

Hoofjob-Instinctz commented 4 days ago

Look up 108007 Thats the original BUFF. Mop uses 108008. there different. ( the GM omulon from twinstar confirmed this aswell )

Hoofjob-Instinctz commented 4 days ago

So i found the original buff on twinstar. just to be clear the school of magic says physical but thats true for ALL MEELE class defensive abilities for example icebound fortitude and shield wall say School : physical - yet it reduces all damage which u can test urself. The original SPELL ID is 108007. it was changed during mop ( 108008 the one u showed me ) cuz it could be used as an ENDGAME trinket.

Both these abilities say physical school as well even tho tehre not physical only

it still suppost to be a reduction to all. And im sure u can find videos of people using it in ultraxion. im trying to search right now but everyones using vortex and fire land tank trinkets and its becoming annoying xD ...

GMNeon commented 4 days ago

that is the item effect not the buff granted. the same way gurth has the effect but the damage is mindflay This is not proof of anything.

and Your argument for shield wall is also invalid, image

Hoofjob-Instinctz commented 4 days ago

Bruh....alright so i really do need to gind ultrax video. mannnnnnnnn, everyones using vortex for the mastery stacking. also that dosnt make it invalid they script nearly all defensives that way. shield wall icebound and OG indom all say physical scool.

GMNeon commented 4 days ago

That is because it is a PHYSICAL Ability. but when buff activates its still only a Physical absorb. there is no magic component to it.

Hoofjob-Instinctz commented 4 days ago

neon dont get me wrong i know ur knowledgable to an extent but thats not true. thats just how those abilities are done in wow. it was made taht way cuz they didnt wanna redo the system to keep using assets from vanilla wow cuz damage reductions uste to include more methods of resist. that has nothing to do with it. nearly all Meele class defensive abilities AND defensives trinket abilities aswell come from physical school according to every wow database. like i said ill just have to find a video but even then if the server is still alive around dragon soul on classic cata i can show u it there if i get it to drop.

PanJanuszek commented 3 days ago

Neon has right, this is only 'Physical'

ID - 108008 Indomitable

Description: Absorbs physical damage. Lasts $d. image

MISC = 1 --> SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL = // only PHYSICAL (Armor) There is nothing more to talk about. Closing

Hoofjob-Instinctz commented 3 days ago

I mean. WHitemane started off twinstars data base. and twinstar GM Omulon confirmed it for me. you guys are wrong i just have to prove it. im not being disrespectful, i played cata retail. i used it in arena. i just have to find a video thats the only issue. it was literally the item that people wanted for Ultraxion. his damage effect for raid whipes was for shadow damage. you can close this but moment dragon soul on cata classic drops youle see it yourself assuming they have the orignal server plates. Again the original spell ID is 108007 and it was changed to 108008. hoping hte original effect isnt lost to the ages. that would really suck for balances sake.