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[Balance Druid] Lunar & Solar Energy Gains from Wrath & Starsurge #6326

Open lethiz opened 1 week ago

lethiz commented 1 week ago

Description: On Maelstrom Starsurge and Wrath spells increase Lunar or Solar energy but only once the target get hit by those spells. On Cata Classic those spells increase Lunar or Solar energy just after they are sent, not matter if they hit the target or not. It is shown on the video from the link below - 0:00-0:30 it is shown how it works on Cata Classic and how it should here and 0:31-1:02 it is shown how it works currently on Maelstrom.

How to reproduce: Make it so when Starsurge or Wrath are sent, they increase Lunar or Solar energy no matter if they hit the enemy or not.

How it should work: It should work so when for example I send the Starsurge on my current target, I will receive +15 Lunar energy before the enemy gets hit by that Starsurge.

Database links:

Sketish commented 1 week ago

It was changed to retail cata.