gameoverhack / ofxOpenNI

Wrapper for OpenNI, NITE and SensorKinect
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Exmaple - UserAndClouse-Simple Crash with PrimeSense Sensor (OSX) #39

Open SleepyBrett opened 10 years ago

SleepyBrett commented 10 years ago

Got the example working fine with an xbox kinect 1414, but a Primesense RD1.082 causes a crash.

Not sure how to communicate the stack trace.. the debugging console says:

[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:warning] Using a NASTY hack to silence SIGNAL errors on exit - read the comments at line ~1712 of ofxOpenNI.cpp
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:notice] Init context...
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Context initilizedstatus:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:notice] openni driver version:
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:notice] Adding licence...
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Adding licence: PrimeSense xxxobscuredxxx=status:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:notice] Init device...
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Enumerate devicesstatus:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:notice] Found1devices connected
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Creating production tree for device 0status:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:notice] Adding generator typeXN_NODE_TYPE_IMAGE
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Creating XN_NODE_TYPE_IMAGE generatorstatus:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Setting Image1 resolution: 640 x 480 at 30fpsstatus:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Starting XN_NODE_TYPE_IMAGE generatorstatus:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Allocating image
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:notice] Adding generator typeXN_NODE_TYPE_DEPTH
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Creating XN_NODE_TYPE_DEPTH generatorstatus:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Setting Depth1 resolution: 640 x 480 at 30fpsstatus:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Starting XN_NODE_TYPE_DEPTH generatorstatus:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Allocating depth
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Register viewpoint depth to RGBstatus:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Set mirror depth ONstatus:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:verbose] Set mirror image ONstatus:OK
[ofxOpenNIDevice[0]:notice] Adding generator typeXN_NODE_TYPE_USER

Dies in #0 0x00f4d010 in NACommonData::Downscale(unsigned short const, unsigned short, int, int, int) () with EXC_BAD_ACCESS

Openframeworks 0.7.4