gamerammo / businessplan

Glossy, script build LaTeX document detailing our business plan and outputs a static PDF version to the project GitHub Page.
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Trouble compiling NatBib citations in MacTeX 2017 #2

Open swaevior opened 6 years ago

swaevior commented 6 years ago

Bib file has been reviewed and purged of all special chars. Bib file contains appropriately formatted items inside of either double quote or braces terminating in a comma.

Running BibTeX on bib.bib produces the error "cannot open file bib.aux." image

Running Typeset on plan.tex 2 or more times consistently produces errors indicating "undefined inputs" for citations. image

Need assistance to resolve so that lx team can successfully run test compilations of documents locally on machines before pushing to repo.

xcesiv commented 6 years ago

I see no clear cut answer atm as we move forward. Does Shared Latex work? Build file seems to work, have no experience with MacTex. Will keep issue open for future resolution.