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Looking for forums #3

Open didlix opened 9 years ago

didlix commented 9 years ago

Forums need to have these features:

didlix commented 9 years ago


trodrigues commented 9 years ago

Hi! Was going to suggest Discourse, but I see it's already under consideration. I don't know it very well but I've seen it put to good use.

didlix commented 9 years ago

I am halfway towards installing a heroku fork locally. Also trialing, but its permissions interface isn't very mature and could turn into a nightmare to manage soon.

didlix commented 9 years ago

^ If you want to setup discourse somewhere where we can trial it please do, I don't have all that much time to devote to all the things right now.

didlix commented 9 years ago

Discourse has now ruled itself out by being too expensive to host and too much like a memory hungry atlassian product.

Discourse requires a minimum of 1 GB RAM for small communities; we recommend 2 GB RAM for medium communities.

varjmes commented 9 years ago

A shame that we can't use discourse, but I like it for it's styling not for much else. looks interesting, though it's a bit wacky in the way it displays posts.

Over the years my consistent favourite was phpBB as it's fairly easy to moderate and set up.

didlix commented 9 years ago

Actually we can use discourse! I'm part way through setting up a puppet script to give us an environment that will run it (I refuse to use docker, or whatever it is). We have 2x4GB ram servers. One for games stuff, one for the web stack.

If you have any ideas, share away!

varjmes commented 9 years ago

Awesome-sauce. I love forums with a passion. They were my lifeline during my early teens. \o/

jaschu commented 9 years ago

If for whatever reason Discourse doesn't work out again, I used Vanilla when I (lazily) maintained the Queer World of Warcraft boards. Mostly what I liked about them was that they weren't PHPBB, so don't take this as a ringing endorsement -- I'm board agnostic.

didlix commented 8 years ago

@jaschu are you running any communities now?