gamercade-io / gamercade_console

A Neo-Retro Fantasy Console. Make WASM-powered, networked multiplayer games.
Apache License 2.0
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Additional Language Example & Binding Requests #61

Closed RobDavenport closed 1 year ago

RobDavenport commented 1 year ago

Since one of Gamercade's core features is being language agnostic, we need more examples, bindings, for other popular WASM languages.

Language Bindings Example
Rust gamercade_rs list
Nelua nelua-gamercade nelua-gamercade
Zig zig-template zig-template
C / C++ none none
AssemblyScript gamercade-as gamercade-as
Go via TinyGo none none

Feel free to request any more languages, and I'll add them to this list.

Some other "nice to have" languages could also be:

RobDavenport commented 1 year ago

Took a look at Zig, it doesn't look to bad:

Zig has been added!

RobDavenport commented 1 year ago

AssemblyScript Imports (from Gamercade):

And Exports (example on homepage):

Bindings has been started @

Updated the sheet to reflect AS bindings!

RobDavenport commented 1 year ago

C also doesn't look too bad:

I might be able to get this one done as well through Zig.

RobDavenport commented 1 year ago

Go bindings have been started at:

But they aren't finished yet.

This might be blocked since TinyGo requires some WASI things which is currently blocked by this issue:

RobDavenport commented 1 year ago

going to close this for now and re-open individual issues at a later date with target langs.