games647 / FastLogin

Checks if a minecraft player has a valid paid account. If so, they can skip offline authentication automatically. (premium auto login)
MIT License
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A way to change "Invalid Session" message #296

Open 7wOv6ySCjo opened 4 years ago

7wOv6ySCjo commented 4 years ago

First of all I want to clarify that I speak Spanish therefore I am using the google translator. I apologize for my bad grammar. #############################################################################

The method would be as follows:

When the player enters to the server first time (onFirstLogin event) the plugin turn off the function that verifies if the player is premium or not to allow the player to enter the "Lobby" server.

After that the player must be kicked immediately with a message warning that the server is semi-Premium and that he must choose a non-premium nickname in order to enter the server. (The message is by the liking of each server owner).

Then, on second attempt by the player for enter the server, the plugin should work (from here) as usual. Here there would not be an problem if the "Invalid Session" message appears because the player already been warned.

By this way we managed to warn the nonPremium player that he can enter the server only if he changes his nickname.

This would be a function similar at the option by AuthMe "kickNonRegistered" that immediately kicks unregistered players.

There are many ways to catch the firstLogin event of a player, I hope that you with your knowledges in Java and MYSQL you can find the right way to add this. #############################################################################

This is just a vague idea about how this message could be "changed." My knowledges in java and the how this plugin works is limited but I hope that with your knowledges and the contribution of others this can be achieved.

7wOv6ySCjo commented 4 years ago

Also i have an question:

how i can do the step number 3 of BungeeCord/Waterfall instalation instructions if i have multiple BungeeCord instances?

  1. Now there is proxy-whitelist file in the FastLogin folder Put your stats id from the BungeeCord config into this file
games647 commented 4 years ago

The ids are separated by line breaks. Insert your ids line by line and you are fine.

games647 commented 4 years ago

After that the player must be kicked immediately with a message warning that the server is semi-Premium and that he must choose a non-premium nickname in order to enter the server. (The message is by the liking of each server owner).

So even kicking premium players?

My knowledges in java and the how this plugin works is limited but I hope that with your knowledges and the contribution of others this can be achieved.

No problem, I don't expect that. Any suggestion is helpful.

7wOv6ySCjo commented 4 years ago

So even kicking premium players?

Yes. Premium players are not a priority on cracked servers. It is the cost of being able to notify players that this is a semi-premium server and that they should not give it up.

What do you think, @games647 ? This could be implemented?

7wOv6ySCjo commented 3 years ago

@games647 Sorry about this, but could you answer?