games647 / FlexibleLogin

A Sponge minecraft server plugin for second factor authentication
MIT License
87 stars 23 forks source link

Other entities cannot move during register/login #127

Closed LeChevalierDOr closed 6 years ago

LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago

EN :

When a person connects to the server, while the player enters his / login or his / register ALL mob passive and hostile mob entities are blocked: they do not move anymore! Just the sound! sometimes the players rollback! Once the player who was logging in made his / login or / register everything becomes normal again. I can not open the server without it please help me !

Info: sponge API 7.1.0 Other plugins: yes Server version 1.12.2 Mod: yes

FR :

Quand une personne se connecte sur le serveur, pendant que le joueur entre son /login ou son /register TOUS les entités mob passive et mob hostile sont bloqués : ils ne bouge plus ! Juste le son ! Des fois les joueurs ont des rollback ! Une fois le joueur qui était en train de se connecter a fais son /login ou /register tout redevient normal. Je ne peux pas ouvrir le serveur sans ça s'il-vous-plaît aidez-moi !

Info : sponge API 7.1.0 Autre plugins : oui
Version serveur 1.12.2 Mod : oui

games647 commented 6 years ago

Plugin version?

LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago

Latest version (0.17.2 ?) and I tried 0.17

games647 commented 6 years ago

Do you tried another sponge forge version too?

LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago

I can not change version because it is an automatic installation of omgserv

LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago

it's not after but during login / register

LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago

the plugin seems to work without any other plugin

games647 commented 6 years ago

Could you try to reproduce it on a local server using the exact same server version? Please that version here too. This sounds more like a event filter bug.

games647 commented 6 years ago

the plugin seems to work without any other plugin

So it works without other plugins?

LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago


LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago

do you want me to try on a local server?

games647 commented 6 years ago

do you want me to try on a local server?

Yes and you still didn't posted the sponge implementation version (like SpongeForge or SpongeVanilla).

LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago

Excuse me I did not see. the version I use is: 1.12.2 (7.1.0-BETA-2819 / Forge

LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago

I'll keep you informed

games647 commented 6 years ago

Could you post your server log too please. Maybe there is an error.

LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago

No, there are no visible errors in the latest log and fml logs. Still want to see?

games647 commented 6 years ago


LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago

ok please wait. I put the plugin on the server you want what logs: fml? latest?

games647 commented 6 years ago

Just upload both.

games647 commented 6 years ago

I'm happy that this bug is resolved. BTW: You could close the ticket too (-> mark it as resolved.)

LeChevalierDOr commented 6 years ago


FR -

Le problème semble résolu merci beaucoup en faite il avais un plugin qui faisait des erreurs en console (Negativy anti-cheat). J'aurais du regarder les logs plus sérieusement... désolé du dérangement...

Merci beaucoup !

EN -

the problem seem resolved thank you very much in made it had a plugin that was errors in console (negativy anti-cheat). uncovered the watch logs more seriously ... sorry of disturbance ...

Thank you very much!