gamlss-dev / gamlss

gamlss: Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape
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export predict.gamlss #1

Closed benrosche closed 2 months ago

benrosche commented 3 years ago

I am using the gamlss package as part of my own R package that performs a certain variance decomposition. I use the main function "gamlss" and the "predict.gamlss" on new data. I have trouble running the predict method inside my R package because you do not export(predict.gamlss) and @importMethodsFrom gamlss predict.gamlss throws an error. Could you add predict.gamlss to your list of exported functions/methods?

zeileis commented 4 months ago

Ben @benrosche I just noticed this issue recently when I joined the gamlss-dev org. Is this still relevant?

If so, can you say why you need to call predict.gamlss() directly rather than just using predict() on a gamlss object? The latter is the intended use and should also work within a package.

zeileis commented 2 months ago

My feeling is that this is outdated so I'm closing it now. Feel free to post a new issue along with a better explanation/justification if you think that this is still relevant.