gammapy / PyGamma15

"Python for gamma-ray astronomy" workshop, MPIK Heidelberg, November 16-20, 2015
5 stars 19 forks source link

Update index.html #1

Closed peger089 closed 9 years ago

peger089 commented 9 years ago

Accomodation and location information added.

peger089 commented 9 years ago

Hotel information added.

cdeil commented 9 years ago

:sunrise: Welcome to Github. :sunrise:

cdeil commented 9 years ago

If you like, you can commit directly to the gh-pages branch (for this I don't get an email notification).

Making a pull request is mainly useful if something needs discussion or review (for pull requests I do get an email notification).

cdeil commented 9 years ago

I've included this info in the document ...