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Submit Gamma 2016 to ArXiv #56

Open cdeil opened 8 years ago

cdeil commented 8 years ago

@vorugantia - this is a reminder issue to submit the Gamma 2016 to ArXiv, after deploying version 1.0 of

Select "LaTeX" version and upload this single file:

We can use this issue to discuss if there are any questions or problems.

cdeil commented 7 years ago

@adonath and I just now found out that the proceeding is online and not behind a paywall:

Apparently it's not included in ADS yet, but presumably this will automatically happen in the coming weeks:!type%3Daqp%20v%3D%24fq_author%7D&fq_author=(author_facet_hier%3A%220%2FDeil%2C%20C%22)&q=deil&sort=date%20desc%2C%20bibcode%20desc

I don't think posting it on ArXiv now is useful. That is a preprint server that is mostly for things that aren't published yet or are behind a paywall. In this case it's published and freely available.

@adonath @vorugantia - Agreed or do you see a point in posting to ArXiv?

@vorugantia - Can you update the docs to mention this paper very prominently at the top? I will try to review our docs and put "please cite us in this way if you've used" in the coming days, but for now just mentioning the paper is good enough, and then this issue can be closed.

vorugantia commented 7 years ago

I agree that we don't need to post to ArXiv anymore. I'll update the docs now.

cdeil commented 7 years ago

Thanks! Closing this issue now.

cdeil commented 7 years ago

I'm re-opening this issue.

So what happened is that AIP gave free access for a month, but from now on (indefinitely?) the PDF is behind a paywall. Frank suggested we post on ArXiv, and we should do that.

@vorugantia - I would still suggest we work on the webpage a bit more. To be concrete, I think we should have this in place when we post on ArXiv (that's going to be the day when most astronomers look at it):

There's many other things (more catalogs, more images, links between source detail views an map view, ...) that can come later, but there should be a nice core page in place.

cdeil commented 7 years ago

It's here now:

Since the journal proceeding is still behind a paywall, I would suggest to change all links from the webpage / wiki docs to the arxiv version, which is open access and anyone can see it quickly. (or put both).

@vorugantia - Can you please do it?