gammasoft71 / xtd

Free open-source modern C++17 / C++20 framework to create console, GUI (forms like WinForms) and unit test applications and libraries on Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS and Linux.
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[ENHANCEMENT] Integration with existing dependency package managers #221

Open ethindp opened 1 year ago

ethindp commented 1 year ago

Integration with existing package managers




There are several C++ package managers for dependencies, such as conan, vcpkg and cpm. It would be worth it to provide instructions on using xtd with the major package managers.


Conan and cpm are CMake package managers. Conan relies on external tools, but cpm is completely integrated into CMake (see As you probably know, vcpkg is Microsoft's (quite successful) attempt at creating a package manager for C++ applications and libraries. XTD would be a great addition to the VCPKG ports collection.


gammasoft71 commented 1 year ago

Hello @ethindp,

First of all, thank you for your interest in xtd. 😉

I agree with you. That's why, for version 0.2.0, xtd has integrated package management with cpack of CMake.

Here is the current packet status for xtd 0.2.0:

But this can only be used when xtd 0.2.0 is tagged. Even if the deb and rpm packages can be generated. It will still be necessary to automate the package generation. And it will be necessary to have a server to host the packages for the package managers to fetch them.

Indeed, it would be great to add xtd to the vcpkg port collection.

If I may ask: You propose this kind of development maybe you are a regular. Your help to add xtd to vcpkg would be welcome 😉


Regards, Gammasoft71