gammasoft71 / xtd

Free open-source modern C++17 / C++20 framework to create console, GUI (forms like WinForms) and unit test applications and libraries on Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS and Linux.
MIT License
735 stars 57 forks source link

V0.1.0 beta add #include <algorithm> update tag/v0.1.1-beta #244

Closed stevexuzeta closed 6 months ago

stevexuzeta commented 6 months ago

when build tag/v0.1.1-beta in visual studio 2022, some errors: xtd\v0.1.1-beta\source\xtd\src\xtd.forms\include\xtd\forms\list_control.h(33,18): error C2039: 'sort': is not a member of 'std'; xtd\src\xtd.forms\src\xtd\forms\horizontal_layout_panel.cpp(40,36): error C3861: 'count_if': identifier not found xtd\src\xtd.forms\src\xtd\forms\vertical_layout_panel.cpp(40,36): error C3861: 'count_if': identifier not found

gammasoft71 commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your correction.